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this episode was for sure the turning point of the show in many ways. I love how much discussion and conversations it still starts 20 years later. As for my opinion: I always had empathy with Jimmy that he was so alone and clearly depressed and suicidal. It just goes to show that people like that need therapy and not access to guns (clearly I am european). Was it his choice to walk into school and fire it randomly? Absolutely, he made that decision on his iwn and that’s his responsibility. You can still feel fir him though, it’s not an either or. Feeling angry and empathetic are not mutually exclusive.

Shanice British

Here we go. My least favorite episode 🥺


Here's my take on the whole Jimmy situation. Have I been excluded/bullied, depressed, and a little suicidal like him, yes. Do I agree with Jimmys decision, no. I can feel empathy for his character; even though I don't agree with his decision, I do understand. I was never really physically bullied and the mental part was bad enough, so I can understand to some extent. What I think happened, began when his father left him, now this is no excuse but I think his mental health got worse after that. I also think his friends took him away from that, the problems at home (specifically his father). Then when his friends lives changed and they got more "popular", he couldn't really keep up. We also know how bullies target the weak and he was probably perfect, with no friends, confidence, or self-respect. So the day when no one sees you is a relief, you won't get the looks or punches, just silence. That's when the depression gets worse because you realize that. I also understand that when you're alone it's a lot more difficult to go up and ask someone else to hang out, especially when you're bullied and probably told how awful you are on a daily basis. Like I said I don't agree with Jimmy at all and even though I was in a similar situation, the thought of hurting others never even came into consideration. So I think that it's okay to not hate Jimmy, he had his problems and didn't get help in time.