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Teresa Ruiz

Hey is anyone having issues watching the video

Teresa Ruiz

It works fine for about a minute but when I put it to full screen it says the page can’t be found

Elsa Reinsch

Usually I like Peyton, even when most people hated her, I really didn't hate her all that much. But I gotta be real... Peyton is being a real bitch to Haley. At this point in the season is about when I start wanting Haley to slap the hell out of her. Nathan has every right to be upset but Peyton is acting like she knows anything and she doesn't... Clearly.... since she didn't know that Nathan pushed Haley to work with Chris again. She only knows Nathan's side of this (BTW not even all of Nathan's side) and she needs to stay in her own fucking lane. And it made me so mad when she "It’s about time you started to fight for your husband." As is Haley hasn't clearly been fighting for her marriage ever since she came back. If that were truly enough for Peyton to chill out then what was the bitchiness for? Cause it seems to me like it was just for shits and giggles and some major projecting because of her situation with her parents.