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Thanks SuperEllen for sponsoring the season!


Revin MacGrath

You know looking back.. Peter could fly too. It was one of the first powers he absorbed. He could've just flown without Nathan...healed then flew back. Like the math aint mathin

Matty Ryan

One of my favorite finales. Nathan is one of my favorite characters, idk why really, but his “you saved the cheerleader, so we could save the world” always gets me choked up. Can’t wait for season two!


I’m pretty sure the writers confirmed he literally couldn’t do anything in that moment. He couldn’t control any of his powers, which is why he couldn’t fly off himself. And Peter actually said "I took his power, Nathan. I can't control it. I can't do anything." Which is basically him saying he can't use any of his powers at that moment.

Alicia Cue

so maybe if Peter like flew away and exploded by himself and healed, he’d come back and just the same thing would happen? that’s why i’m guessing claire didn’t just shoot him cuz wouldn’t that have stopped him too? like i don’t see why nathan had to die really, not that i mind i can take or leave him, although it’s really sweet that he was finally with his brother and beside him at the end there. but it seemed like why have nathan come up and be all “there’s another way” but the other way is him and his brother dying instead of claire getting peter and just stopping him? like that’s a bit confusing to me they could’ve made it clearer i think what was going on in that last like five minutes 😅 but yeah such a strong cast, phenomenal first season, way to come out the gate swingin

Ilsuk Yang

I always looked at it as Peter having such a hard time trying to control that ability, that he literally can't use any of his other abilities in that moment because all his attention in focused on holding back the nuclear-ness. If Peter tried to fly himself, he probably would've exploded well before he could get out of the danger zone for everybody.

Ilsuk Yang

Hey everyone, remember that season 2 is only 11 episodes (I think there was a writer's strike or something like that, it was too long ago lol), so it's actually cheaper to boost than sponsor season 2. One person can boost 5 episodes ($150), and the other can see if Travis can make an exception to boost 6 episodes for a certain price (maybe $180, off the top of my head, but DM Travis about that lol). Anyways, just doling out some advice 😁

Sierra Rainey Mangum

You know looking back, Nikki could've just ripped Sylar in half if she wanted too. Ha!

Sierra Rainey Mangum

Also I want to see a reaction to season 2 because Milo Ventimiglia gets a cute hair cut and ripped abs, I want to hear Travis say "Ooh gurl." To that.