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Ilsuk Yang

Travis: How does she look the same? Me: Really, you're gonna say that when you're watching this show 🤣🤣🤣

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Family Business- Captain Guyliner!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! :) Thank you so much for another great reaction, Travis! I really enjoy this episode from season four's Frozen arc. It certainly isn't one of my favorites within this season. Nonetheless... It's still fun and there are so many twists and so much more of Ingrid's backstory explained, along with what has happened to Anna so far. It is certainly a lot to take in. And yes... We finally have a name for our Snow Queen! :) My favorite scenes are small in comparison to the major storylines going on throughout this episode. But I am a sucker for the sweet and tender moments. I absolutely love the moments between Emma and Killian. After they find the file on Emma in Ingrid's ice cream truck, then again, in the end while they're together inside the sheriff's station. I also love the scene between Anna and Kristoff too. And out of the major storylines within this episode... I really love the scenes between Rumple and Belle, in spite of the annoyance I feel towards the both of them. Which I will come back to momentarily... First... I really love how supportive and gentle Killian is with Emma out in the woods as she's worried about Ingrid's plans for her. And it's hilarious when Killian states that he was once a child too, then how Emma jokes with him about him being so a million years ago, until he quickly tells her it was more like two hundred years ago. Still a long time. So cute! :) And in the end, I love it when Killian states... "Don't I know it." when Emma asks why Ingrid would want her simply because she's blonde and hardly the only other one out in the world aside from Elsa. I just love that adorable face he makes at her and seeing her smile at him. I love how supportive and protective Killian is of Emma in both scenes. And thirdly... I also absolutely love the lovely and adorable moment between Anna and Kristoff within the backstory. I love how Kristoff teases Anna about her falling in love with Hans in a day, then reminds her of how she had met him the very next day after Anna states that she had been young and naïve to think she had fallen in love with Hans so quickly. They're so adorable!!! :) We don't get a whole lot of scenes between Anna and Kristoff together in the backstories, and I wish that we could get a few more, seeing as they are so adorable together and that they are one of my favorite couples within this show outside of the main cast of characters. Anna and Kristoff are just cute and fun. It's amazing to me just how much they are alike their Disney characters in Frozen. These two, I feel are among the characters who are easily the most like their Disney movie counterparts. Both Elizabeth Lail and Scott Michael Foster play them perfectly! Now... I enjoy the main storyline with Belle as she does all she can to try to right the wrong she committed back in the Enchanted Forest just after her mother was killed by an ogre during the time of the Ogre Wars trying to protect Belle. And I love how this storyline eventually comes to connect to the first ever storyline we see with Belle way back in season one's introductory episode to Belle, titled... Skin Deep, when Belle convinces her father to call on Rumplestiltskin for help. I also enjoy the overall storyline with Belle and her past with Anna, and I enjoy their storyline as Anna guides Belle to Grandpabbie and the Rock Trolls to seek help in remembering what she couldn't in regards to her mother's death. Although... I can't help but feel like this it isn't quite as good of a storyline as it could have been had this storyline been written any differently. Nevertheless... I do enjoy it anyways. It's sad that we see an unexpected side of Belle when she chooses trying to save the memory rock over helping Anna. But I still enjoy how Belle does everything she can to make it right by finally telling Elsa the truth about knowing her sister and that she fears that Anna might be missing because the Snow Queen kidnapped Anna after her fall from the cliff. Plus... I really appreciate that while all of the Disney movies show us perfect heroes and evil, evil villains, in Once Upon a Time, we also get to see even the heroes' flaws too. Which makes them feel more real, and characters that we can all relate to all the more. And that's really important for me as a viewer of any show. As for the present storyline between Belle and Rumple... I really love it for the most part as well. I love the scene inside the Snow Queen's ice lair, as Belle becomes enthralled by the enchanted mirror, and sees herself as she taunts Belle about how naïve and foolish she is to believe in Rumple. And while it is cruel and terrifying for Belle, who was terrified upon hearing the dark magic's taunts, sadly we know the fears Belle sees and hears within the mirror to all to be true. Because Gold is absolutely lying to Belle about her having a fake dagger and that he's still the man she once again believes him to be. And unfortunately, Gold makes up convincing reasonable doubt to convince Belle he's not lying to her, and why he was able to come inside the lair despite Belle commanding him to wait outside. It's not a perfect reason, because there is a flaw in his reason for why he was able to go against her command, but I accept it as Belle does. Rumple claims to Belle that he kept watch as she commanded of him, but then that he heard the Snow Queen coming and so he came inside to warn her. If the dagger were real, Rumple would have been forced to remain outside of the lair keeping watch, even if the Snow Queen did arrive as he also claimed. Which is another lie as well. Because the Snow Queen never did come. Poor Belle. I definitely feel badly for her. And dang Rumple! I'm angry with Rumple for being so deceptive, especially for lying and hurting Belle so much. And I have to admit that it's also sad, even annoying to me, that Belle is so naïve to his deceptions too. I mean... We can see that deep down, Belle does sense something's wrong between her and Gold. That he is lying to her. Otherwise, the Snow Queen's dark mirror wouldn't have been able to taunt her in such a terrifying way. However, I still enjoy this storyline between them very much. Because these actors' acting is really great. This episode is really great! I love the revelation that Elsa's and Anna's mother truly did once have two sisters, whom everyone has been made to have forgotten, thanks to the rock trolls' magic. Ingrid and Helga. Both of whom are blondes just like Elsa and Emma. And I love the growing mystery behind both of their disappearances. We know that Ingrid somehow ended up inside the urn that Elsa also later became trapped in as well. We just don't know if Ingrid is telling the truth about how she and Elsa ended up inside the urn. And while it does seem strange that the Snow Queen's plans for Emma and Elsa involve replacing her sisters... It is an intriguing revelation and motivation for a villain. I love it! And I'm so excited for the storylines to come!! Oh... And I especially love how Belle reveals to Emma, Killian, and Elsa in the end that Ingrid plans to enact the Spell of Shattered Sight, that will force everyone to turn on one another until they destroy each other like how the mirror almost caused Belle to hurt Rumple, leaving only Emma, Elsa, and Ingrid alive. Yikes!!! This show is getting so exciting!!!! Also... Regarding Elsa being known as the Ice Queen, while Ingrid is the Snow Queen... I do believe that the Duke of Wesselton from the Disney movie, Frozen, calls Elsa an ice queen at some point. Maybe Hans does too. But aside from there being two different characters with these names from the stories told about the Snow Queen... I don't believe there is also an Ice Queen too. Not as far as I know. I could be wrong. I don't think I am though. Thank you again, so much, Travis! I can't wait for more reactions for Once Upon a Time to come!! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi