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Radha Karia

OMG OMG OMG! Can’t wait to watch after work!


I was stalking for new eps… I have never been so early 😅


i LOVEEEE this episode sm jacksons mum is hilarious


To be fair a lot of the things the women do are kind of outrageous sometimes 😂 so i understand but yeah the men do have some fault as well


Love me some greys


also i HATE when derek automatically blames meredith for everything.. like what you said,, hes not the easiest to get along with!! same goes for owen constantly blaming cristina


Jackson’s momma is Debbie Allen. Actor, dancer, executive producer and director. She does a little bit of everything


it’s really weird how i can’t see your videos in my notifications for some reason anymore, i couldn’t see this video until i clicked your profile


Literally every time you’ve ever said “he’s not wrong though” about Karev, he has 100% been in the wrong lmao. He is a jerk


😂loved your recap


I fully support Christina's choice and at the same time, I empathize with Owen having to watch her interact with Zola after just having an abortion. You could see on his face how it hurt him. I don't like Owen all that much but I feel for him.

Michaela Evans

Debbie Allen happens to be the sister of Phyllica Rashad (Claire Huxtable from the Cosby Show)

Tiffany Lemke

Zola. 💗💗💗💗💗


Tech support here! If you are on an Android, try this: Go to Settings > apps > Patreon - Select Battery and make sure it is set to unoptimized - hit the back arrow - check that notifications are on. If off, turn them on and hit the back arrow - find the option that mentions turning off permissions if unused. Make sure this is OFF. Travis uploads videos 2-3 times a day. You should know within 1 day if this resolves your issue. If it does not, check the play store for updates to the app or uninstall/reinstall if none are available.

Dustee Lodholtz


Kayce Daniels

She brought Zola to the hospital that Grey and Shepard works at and says you can’t tell them Zola is there why didn’t she take Zola to a different hospital? She says it could Jeopardize the custody battle so if it’s that serious just take Zola to another hospital…

Sierra Rainey Mangum

Because Zola's doctors were technically Karev and Arizona who know her medical history thoroughly. If she went to a different hospital, they wouldn't know that she had rare spina bifida surgery recently. But also I don't like the social worker who took Zola, something about her makes me suspicious, she seems emotionally manipulative.