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Hi !

I hope you had a great holiday and wish you well in the upcoming new year!

I wanted to let you know the January plan 🙂

As many of you know, I pump out an insane amount of content and have a pretty wide range of shows, movies, music that I react to. I haven't had an ACTUAL vacation (where I didn't work or post) in about 2.5 years. That is still not going to change. HOWEVER:

Since I spent Christmas alone without friends and family, and will also be doing the same for New Years, I decided that I will be going back to Michigan for 10-15 days in January to see my people but also watch my Detroit Lions in a couple games. 🦁

I will still be posting but instead of 4-5 posts a day it'll probably be 2-3 a day (which actually seems to be the norm, or MORE for everyone else but me 😂). So I won't REALLY be taking time OFF, I'll just be cutting back a little bit.

With that being said, I have to prioritize what I'll be setting up for the time I'm away. I will be giving first priority to the shows that people sponsored seasons for in full because that was a big up front cost to them. There will also be several episodes of Greys because that’s the most popular on the Patreon overall. I will also be sprinkling some tier perk shows in there as well.

Movies and albums will be picked back up on my return.

Sorry about the long message - you know I like to be open and communicate fully!

Reach out if you have any questions!

I appreciate you more than you know!




Have a wonderful and well deserved break!

Sherry Sink

Have fun in Michigan! (Even though I'm in Wisconsin and therefore not legally allowed to root for anyone but the Packers, lol) Seriously though, enjoy yourself and travel safely. :)