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Siobhan Linehan

Yeah this episode is crazy lol, it's confusing for sure. This whole season is very complicated, that's one reason I'm not so keen on it. It does all come together in the end but it's a lot. River's story in particular through the seasons is WAY to over complicated for me, despite rewatching multiple times there are still parts of her story I'm unsure about. 😂🙈 But there are still a lot of good things about this episode. It's got some funny lines. Matt Smith is as brilliant as always. And I love how despite 90% of the episode being about The Doctor dying, you never really believe that he's going to but yet a little part of you is still a bit worried lol. Like you said, the beauty of this show is that you never know when exactly The Doctor will regenerate. And especially when a Doctor has been around for a little while you start to get more edgy as each episode passes. 😂 The next one isn't one I tend to like. But, as always, I'll be interested to see how you feel. 😊


This season is definitely high on the wibbly wobbly charts. I do love this episode tho because it is such a crucial junction in River’s story and it’s fun. In a past episode when the Dr is studying her as she flies the tardis, after Amy comments on it, the the Doctor makes a snarky remark (of course lol) and river says “I learned from the best… too bad you were busy that day”. This is that day, she learned from the tardis, while he was busy dying. Sorry for the long comment. I just love their banter, and how even their flirting makes more connections in the story line for later.