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Misty Jordi

I miss Cas too. I wish they had him as a full time cast member, instead of a special guest. Sam, that smile, ugh and poor Dean.

Cynthia Witmer

Dean is so bad ass!! Yep, I’m a Dean girl from day1. Dean was so funny with his attitude toward Twilight& when he caught the kid with glitter. Final words to him “ use a condom😂” Sam is being a very bad boy!!! Notice how strong&fast the pure blood vamps are.


Fun fact-The guy who plays their grandfather plays in Walker with Jared Padalecki. He’s his dad on that show.

Tiffani Donaldson

This episode makes me think...how amazing would a supernatural/TVD crossover have been??!

Tiffani Donaldson

Also idk if you noticed but the couple in the beginning was Kristen and Robert lol. I didn't notice that until like my 5th rewatch haha