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This season was brought to you by Cadence via contest win!



When I was in fifth grade, I walked into the room while my mom was watching this episode- so the very first part of Sherlock I got to see was the whole roof scene to the end of the episode. It’s what made me want to watch the whole show (mostly because I wanted to know the context to how it got to that point). Moriarty was always one of my sister and I’s favorite parts of the show; just because of Andrew Scott’s acting and his line delivery. I’m honestly not sure when I’ll be able to sponsor the next season, but as you saw- there are two more seasons, with a special in between them.

Ilsuk Yang

Honestly, I didn't think much of this version of Moriarty...until I saw this episode. We'll see how things turn out from here...


Andrew Scott is amazing as Moriarty. Most of the time just acting fun and campy, then turning in a flash to screaming and threatening, showing that he’s insanely dangerous but having fun with it all. I wonder how much of it came from the writers/producers and how much came from Scott. From the moment ”Staying Alive” starts playing until the credits roll this might be the best bit of television ever created. The way they keep building tension (yet relieving it momentarily through Moriarty’s quips - the casual ”go on, off you pop” is probably my favourite) until it crescendos with John calling Sherlock’s name and him jumping, to the sombre aftermath. Then ending it with showing Sherlock is still alive, thereby avoiding making it feel like a cop-out when season three arrives. My only small gripe is we never got to see Lestrade’s reaction. He liked and trusted Sherlock, then unwillingly took part in accusing him. Would have liked to have seen how he felt in the end.