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Siobhan Linehan

This two parter is one of my least favourites, the flesh people are SO creepy. Definitely like Voldemort. 😂 But many people do like them and I'm glad you are so far. And I do appreciate the morals behind the story and what they're trying to say. I get the point of these episodes, just a bit too creepy for my taste lol. 😬 And you're right with what you said at the end about this season not having a strong central storyline connecting the episodes. That's one reason this season is way down on my personal list.

Amy Cope

I enjoy this episode, I don't "love" it, certainly wouldn't seek it out to watch again but I'm quite happy to watch along with you. I don't tend to love these stand alone episodes in any season. Once I'm invested in the overarching plot an episode that completely detracts from it just feels like something to "get through". Also River, this episode needs more River. Speaking of the overarching plot of the season, I think I enjoy this one a lot more on rewatches than I did on first watch. On first viewing I understood that it was to do with the silence, and the doctor getting shot on the beach, and Amy's pregnant/not pregnant as they were the common threads popping up from the beginning, but I think too many of the clues as to what's going on are too obscure. They are more like fun little Easter eggs that you can pick out afterwards..... Or maybe I just wasn't clever enough to figure them out 😅 I will say though, the next episode is a cracker. I think from here the season starts to pick up more in relation to the overarching plot