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Liv Heskett

So Rachel had to sign a contract before even staring in the show for a set amount of performances/exact dates start to end. Then obviously you either renew or move on. It’s not uncommon for someone to only do a short run in a show. It’s more common with bigger names i.e. stunt, casting. So like right now Taran Killam from SNL is in spamalot for only like three months. However with Rachel it is very unlikely that Rachel signed up for anything less than 6 months due to the fact that she is an unknown actor. So obviously her looking for any outside opportunities is serious breach of contract because I’m sure they have her in an exclusive contract. So no commercials. No movies. No tv.

Liv Heskett

Your reaction to Santana being able to play the part now that it benefits Rachel . Like literally it’s so frustrating 😂

Clay W

Ugh here we go, we've reached the dumbest part of the season. Rachel's drive and determination throughout the entire series has been being an actress on Broadway. While I understand that dreams can change sometimes, it doesn't make any sense for her character to randomly choose to risk her career for a chance to audition for some random tv show. Also agree with you on the Santana situation. We spent most of the season having Rachel bitchin about Santana being her understudy, but now it's okay?! Nah

leslie martin

i like to believe that every dumb choices Rachel makes in season 5 are bc she's grieving Finn. and it's not that hard to believe honestly.. yes the storyline of her quitting after a few months is dumb, but she is lost. maybe she thought focusing on work would get her to feel better. but now that she has it, she's still feeling empty.. i think broadway will always be her love, but exploring things at a young age, and after a traumatic event like she lived, can be understood.. of course, doing this just after the opening night ep makes us think that she just did it for a week and quits. she literally dropped out of nyada and sabotage funny girl : two of her biggest dreams. to me that sounds like a cry for help and not just Rachel being ungrateful of what she has tbh. she's sabotaging herself and her dreams.. i can look past the dumb "Rachel is a mean spoiled girl" storyline some people love and actually analyze that she's lost. yes it's dumb from the writers, bc they're once again wanting the audience to turn on Rachel, but i think nothing is rational about grief and especially about being a 19 yo broadway girl, experiencing it :(


Rachel being tempted by something that would bring her more fame and recognition is a hundred percent true to character and just emphasizes what Carmen warned her about when she quit NYADA

leslie martin

i think the best thing about s5 is definitely the songs! they are so good!

Clay W

While she would do what she could to be famous, you remember she was fully against the idea of being a TV actress when Finn brought up the idea back in season three. It was to the point it almost ended their relationship.

Leticia Schmitt

I really do feel season 5 is the weakest one but it's still so good because the show is amazing

Jeanette Dawe

ugh I hate the June story line, I always have to skip past it ever time she is on.

Siobhan Linehan

First of all, the actress for June Doloway is Shirley MacLaine. She's an Oscar winning actress who's starred in hundreds of movies and TV shows over the years such as Oceans Eleven, Sweet Charity, Terms Of Endearment, Steel Magnolias, Bewitched, Rumour Has It, Coco Chanelle, Valentines Day, Downtown Abbey, Noelle etc etc. So yeah, she's a BIG deal. As for this episode, it's ok but definitely frustrating. I feel like everyone focuses on Rachel's misgivings, which I'll get to, but it's Blaine who really annoys me. He's become SO dependent on his relationship with Kurt that it's unhealthy and then he lies to Kurt about the showcase which is a dumb idea. I just don't get Blaine in this season honestly. With Rachel, I have mixed feelings. You know how much I love her, she's always been too ambitious for her own good lol so that doesn't bother me. But what does bother me is all the lying and sneaking around. And also her wanting to quit Broadway. I don't know why the writers did that. Now, after multiple rewatches of the show I do understand where they were coming from with the storyline. They had everyone around Rachel freaking her out by telling her she's ugly and telling her that she's going to be doing the show forever. I mean I'd freak out too. And, as Leslie said, Rachel is still grieving the loss of Finn and we saw how hard she found that on her opening night. And she has to sing Who Are You Now night after night on that stage. And she's only 19, that's A LOT. And also what 19 year old, especially with Rachel's level of ambition, would turn down an opportunity like Fox gave her? Very very few. So I get what they were trying to do, I just felt it was an unnecessary writing move. But that aside, it's another episode I enjoy watching and yes the music truly is FIRE! Rachel's version of Wake Me Up is SO stunning and I like the Mercedes and Santana duet too. And I'm really glad that you have such a high opinion of season 5 because it's definitely up there for me as one of the best seasons, I've never understood the criticism it gets honestly. I love it. 🤷💕


Oooo that’s Warrick from CSI! I forgot he was in this! Great reaction as always ☺️


The music producer is played by Gary Dourdan and one of his first popular roles was playing Shazza Zula on the sitcom 'A Different World', where he had shoulder length locs. Your reaction to Santana saving Rachel was mine, when this first aired. I really have to give Santana props because I personally don't think I would've saved Rachel on this. Rachel showed her entire ass when Santana got the part as her understudy plus slapped her. She would've had to be the one to call, apologize & ask me for the favor.... Not Kurt! I'm not surprised though because Rachel ALWAYS gets what she wants, the writers/producers NEVER let her fail. I do feel Rachel was too young for the role, because she is still a teenager, & a privileged one at that. Rachel is very talented but soooo whiny and is so use to getting what she wants. Most teens tend to change their minds or focus to the next shiny morsel that's dangled in front of them, which Rachel does, with that ridiculous offer of a show that she had no idea what it was about or the reputation of the people behind it.