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literally rush to the video when i get a greys/private practice notification



Radha Karia

This ep is def one of the best for me! The story lines, the emotion and nothing tragic! I loved the wedding gowns. They matched Callie and Arizonas personalities so well. Arizona’s was classy and sweet and Callie’s was sparkly and oomph! I have seen this ep like 20 times and I cry at tje double wedding every time


zola has entered the chattttt

Jana Fuller

I love this episode so much! ❤️❤️ Derek and baby Zola I just can't 😭😭😩😍😍 So sweet!!

Rebecca Williams

"I'll give you a slow clap" TRAVISSS 🤣

Alicia Cue

ugh this episode is so good 😭😭 callie’s dad really has come around so much and his love for his daughter makes me cryyy and Mark and Bailey this episode being such supportive, steady people for callie and arizona just ugh🤧🤧😂 i love all these characters so much

Cassandra Ryan

the double wedding encapsulates their personalities so well

Chloe James Grant

This episode was just a bunch of wholesomeness and I'm all for it! Your reaction was so nice to see!

Leticia Schmitt

Richard is such a good leader, tho... Him telling Christina like "I always assumed you'll be front runner for chief resident but you can't count anyone out" and then the look that he gave her. She always respected him and this was just what she needed to just talk to Teddy (even if it didn't worked). I love those little scenes where Richard just pulls those sides out of them.


I love Baby Zola!!!

Kylee Marie

I hate Arizonas dad and callies mom 🤬