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leslie martin

season 4 is not the best, for sure. i liked the storyline about the dead pool, i think it's really interesting and i love that we got introduced to more supernatural in this season. but i think overall the season was pretty slow, and that even if it was not that long. i think the plot twist of Meredith not dying and her being the benefactor and then the other twist that it was originally Peter, is nice. also about the wine bottle, like Lydia had a meltdown at the start of the season about the red stain and at the end, you find the key inside the bottle. nice callback. but i also think some storylines could have been played faster, like Lydia discovering everything about her grandma. i think they should have implemented more about Parrish bc he's supernatural but we don't know anything about him... season 5 is really good tho, my fav!


Ok a couple of comments, “I call middle!” 😂. I agree about the chemistry between Scott and Kira ( though I do like Kira). And lastly, who let you start Star Wars with Episode I ? NO NO NO NO 😂