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Gabi andrade

You’re so right about the characters you go back and forth. But that’s what i love bc it’s realistic.. every character has flaws (except bailey) Love alex so much. and seeing callie arizona and mark as parents is amazing 🫶🏻

Alicia Cue

Alex character growth is one of THE shining stars of this show, he’s soooo layered and fully fleshed out as a character it’s so awesome to see. With meredith changing what the patients get, it’s such a gray area. on one hand you have the closest thing to father she’s ever had telling her that she’s done everything for them and she’s the reason he can be happy now and he so thankful, but on the flip side of that, she’s taking that opportunity from another person who is just as deserving, but just doesn’t happen to have a personal relationship with who’s running the trial so that’s definitely unfair. Also why’s stark being all nice and shit all of a sudden 😂

Radha Karia

Alex is just written so well! You see clearly that he is actually a sweet and sensitive person (like that healer person said in season 4, who healed Baileu’s baby). But he has just been through so much that it’s easier to put on a mean face! Alex and his little patients at the end 🥰🥰🥰

Karen McQueeney

Yes that was Doris Roberts from Everybody Loves Raymond. She was an amazing actress. And I seriously love Alex’s character growth. I am an Alex Karev Stan

Meggie Doodles

I work with regulatory approvals for clinical trials and *oh my god* every time I rewatch this episode I have to fast forward when Meredith does her nonsense because it is so unbelievably unethical it makes my skin crawl. Excellent plot point, but hoooooo boy the real-world implications just hit too close to home for me.

Leticia Schmitt

To me Adele's storyline is so well written. First we had Elis with Alzheimers and on her last days she was talking to Richard about how happy they were together. Now with Adele going through the same thing but we see how sad and horrible it was for her that time that Richard was with Ellis, and now Richard have to watch her suffer again for his mistakes. It's a sad but powerful storyline

Kayce Daniels

Toward the end when Cali started panicking about getting in a car is real, I was in a car accident when I was 14 and it took me a really long time to get over the accident and get in a car my anxiety was over the moon

Sierra Rainey Mangum

My favorite part is when Lexi tells Alex there is a letter from the dragon lady's estate, and he says "That b*tch" HAHAHA


I love Alex so much, he’s one of my top 5 favorite characters. he didn’t know how he was going to pull it off but he did, and yeah, like you I wanted Teddy and Henry… I was sad that therapist guy came back. As for Meredith I get what she did, I could never be in charge of a clinical trial with someone I cared about as the recipient because I’d probably do the same thing and end up losing my license or whatever. What I will say though is that it is a trial in which random candidates get the meds and random candidates get the placebo who the study itself should still be accurate.

Lina D

Yes, agreed. The problem is that you then can't trust the data, though. If the participating doctors changed one variable, how do you know they didn't change others? Because of the mere fact that there was manipulation of the study, nothing about its results can be taken at face value therefore even if the results all seem accurate, there is no way to be sure that other aspects of the trial were not compromised. Regardless, Meredith knew better and that's what irks me. She chose to put potentially MILLIONS of people in a place where they won't get treatment because she wanted to manipulate the study for ONE WOMAN. A wild choice on her part.