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I think Amy definitely see's the Doctor more as her bestie than a father figure. She has flirted with him a few times trying to kiss him, but there's nothing more to that than sily flirting with friends. The main reason River is so cryptic is because everything she's seen so far hasn't happened to the Doctor yet. She has to be careful not to say something that could change the course of time and create a paradox. Also the reason she was so upset at the kiss, is realizing that the Doctor said it's their first kiss, and all of her future stories take place in the Doctor's past, she knows she's never going to kiss him again. Anytime we see the Doctor and River kiss from our perspective, it's in her past, she's already lived that at the point we are watching her just now.

Siobhan Linehan

Such a good opening to the season. Not the best, I agree, but still very strong. I'm glad you noticed the budget increase, season 6 is when the show started airing in America so it got a huge boost in funding. You can definitely see it. Although you have to wait until season 14 for the BIG budget lol. I like how this season opening leaves us with so many unsolved mysteries. Is Amy pregnant or isn't she? Why was there a picture of Amy with a baby in the orphanage in 1969? Who is the little girl who can regenerate? Who was the woman with the eye patch who Amy saw? You'll get the answers to all of them in time. It's interesting seeing this from the perspective of someone who doesn't know what's coming. The next episode for me is ok, then there are three bad ones in a row for me, this season isn't a favourite of mine. But a lot of people love it so I'll be very interested in your thoughts as it goes along. 😊