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Shoutout to Cadence who won a recent contest to sponsor season 2!



The names of the cases are Easter eggs for people who've read the original Sherlock Holmes stories. The Speckled Blonde was The Speckled Band, The Geek Interpreter was The Greek Interpreter, etc. As someone who has read these stories since she was a little girl, I LOVE it!!

Sherry Sink

"I AM SHER-LOCKED." 😁 I agree - the case was so intertwined with stuff that was confusing (the contents of her phone, the backfiring car, the American agents who attacked Mrs. Hudson) so it often felt like "What is going on? Let's get to the point." BUT... I also agree that the best parts are always the characters. Mycroft and Sherlock's brotherly snippiness (lol), Sherlock's stubbornness (refusing to get dressed, even for Buckingham Palace, lol), Sherlock and Watson's partnership, Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson (her keeping the phone in her blouse, lol, and Sherlock declaring, "Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? Shame on you, John. England would fall!" ❤️), the Woman Irene and Sherlock's flirty banter (starting with her walking into the room completely naked, lol!), it's all so much fun. I love the characters so much. And let's not forget the biggest moment of all. Sherlock actually apologized to someone! Molly. How big was that moment? (And she deserved that apology because he was being a total dick.) Still, pretty impressive, because he won't even apologize to John Watson. So deep deep down, Sherlock does care about Molly. She is a helpful person in his life, and one of the few I think he feels he can truly trust. That's a rare thing in his life.

Madi H

I love Sherlock and Irene together. His crush on her is sweet and it's clear she likes him too. "The woman" indeed. Probably the first time sherlock has ever been into anyone.