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Siobhan Linehan

"Gay, straight, black, white, Tina" is maybe one of my favourite jokes in this show. 😂😂 But overall I'm not a fan of this episode. I see I'm in the minority on that, as per usual lol, but yeah I tend to skip through most of it. I really don't like Sam and Mercedes together. I never have and I never will. They both want such different things from life, which is something that could be worked around, but they also want such different things from a relationship. I just don't think they're compatible at all. And I hated all the racism stuff too, didn't feel like Mercedes would even for a second consider Sam's skin colour to be an issue and I struggle to believe she'd keep friends like that. I also didn't like that Colorblind song. I know 99% of people will disagree with me on all of that but yeah... Sorry. As for Rachel, you know I'm her biggest fan, but even I can admit that she was such a brat in this episode. She went too far. But she did apologize and make it up in the end so I forgive her. It seems to be a pattern with Rachel that she does something divaish and then makes up for it later lol. But the point is she does always fix it and that shows she has a good heart. To me anyway. But what I did like in this episode is the gay bashing storyline. I think it was well done and handled with sensitivity. Glee always does well with the serious topics. I also love the songs No One Is Alone and Broadway Baby. Rachel sounds amazing on those. And I also like Kurt's solo a lot. So it's not all bad. 😊 I look forward to the next episode SO much. I know you'll be laughing a lot. 😂😂

Heather Anne

Burt Hummel, the best tv dad. And Mercedes Jones, just the best. I bow to her.