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Yeah the Cambells are the worst! They actively belittle Dean for not being a 24/7 hunter for the last year after all he did his whole life (starting at the age of 4) - including raising Sam, hunting full time, dying a few times, saving the world while losing his entire family isn't enough for some reason. They have a creepy HQ where all they seem to do is clean weapons, act tough and super shady...which is not the way Mary was even raised when they traveled back in time.

Cynthia Witmer

The show may have changed looks after Eric Kripke left at end of season 5. He insisted it be very dark. New show runner& writers now. J2 tell funny stories about working with babies. One would laff the whole time. The other cry. Dean had to spend hours in Baby with one of the babies and he built it a little shelter to keep the sun from hitting him. 🥰 aww. Season 6 is good. Let’s keep moving😉