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Love this version of Don't Stop Believing 🥺 A good send-off for the club!

Clay W

Loser Like Me was in fact the second original song they performed at regionals back in season two.

Clay W

I get it, and I agree with you. This feels like this could've been the final episode.

Nikita Hankinson

Season 5 episode 12 was the 100th episode of glee which is why everyone was back. The songs from these 2 episodes were voted by the fans. This episode was originally episode 12 part 2, so still part of the 100th episode. This season is so disjointed. This really does feel like a conclusion to the series and if I'm totally honest it probably should have been 😂


Yes!! the acoustic version of Loser Like Me in this ep is so superior, it’s a beautiful arrangement.


i loved how they each came on stage in the order each of them joined the glee club it was a nice touch!



their plan was to do the video for will's kid to make him see how important he was to the glee club


I'd delete this maybe. Travis doesn't like these kinds of spoilers about character appearances.


I agree - acoustic Loser Like Me is SO much better - I love it. The harmonies are gorgeous and give me Blaine at a piano any day. I also was late to watching the later seasons of Glee and was so confused about this episode feeling like a series finale, knowing there was a season and a half to go 🤷‍♀️ I'm excited to see what you think of the rest of S5, personally I like it more than the first half but there's a lot of disagreement on that.

Jeanette Dawe

I love that they sing/appear in the order they joined Glee club cool little touch


Friends let's be careful about anything spoilery for the rest of the season - we know Travis prefers to go in blind 👍


This episode was very confusing. Honestly the only parts of this episode I like are Brittana. Because like… Santana: bitch mode *Brittany enters the chat* Santana: soft mode Lmao.

Jennifer Sauer

20:34 I love that they finally get Santana to admit that Rachel hasn't done anything to deserve the torment she put her through. It is a commonly perpetuated rumor in Glee conversations that Rachel was horrible to everyone. Santana even says in the previous episode "She has sold half the people in this room down the river more times than I can count, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't know the names of the other half of these people" [paraphrased]. I always hated that line so much because it's simply not true or fair. Is Rachel deeply flawed? Of course. Is she ambitiously narcissistic? Yes. Is she frequently out-of-touch whilst experiencing success? Definitely (Examples: after winning winter showcase and booking Fanny). BUT her only "crimes" beyond that was the crackhouse thing and telling Finn about the baby. That's literally the only times she sabotaged anyone or stepped out of line. (Though Finn definitely deserved to know, my god). Yet people treat her like Lady MacBeth. How??? Also, why the hell would she know any of the new Glee kids names? She lives in New York now. She only saw these kids TWICE before this - during Grease and at Mr. Schue's wedding. She didn't come back to coach while Finn was substituting because she was too busy. Doesn't mean she wouldn't care if she had the chance to know them. Once again, Santana ignoring context to twist the narrative. Well, this comment is already too long, but I just want to clarify; I enjoy Santana a lot and Rachel is far from my favorite character. I just thought that somewhere the facts needed to be written down in Rachel's defense as most of her reputation is attacked based on repeated opinions and not based on what actually is documented in the show. Thank you to whoever made it to the end of my rant! :)

Travis Manning

Some people just don’t vibe with the personalities of others which is ok. I think that is why a lot of people don’t like Rachel. She doesn’t have the easiest personality to get along with nor is she very likable *most of the time. At least that’s how I feel. 🤗

Jennifer Sauer

Oh definitely, you're right Travis! She is a *strong* personality, haha. She gets on my nerves too. I don't mind that as a reason to dislike the character. It's when people decide against someone based on an inflated character resume... that's my own personal pet peeve. Again, speaking on the Glee community as a whole. Sometimes people remember the jokes made against the characters more than what they actually did.

Siobhan Linehan

I can't really explain it until you've seen 5x14, but when you know the story behind these episodes they make a lot more sense. And while I don't love them, I do enjoy them a lot. Santana just annoyed me in this episode, Rachel actually put her ego aside to patch things up with her but Santana was so mean to her again. And Santana wouldn't have backed down at all if Brittany hadn't stepped in. Also has Santana just completely forgotten about Dani? She's literally cheating on her and doesn't seem to care. 🤦 And I also hated what they did to the s4 newbies, they really were just in the background. But I really LOVE that version of Don't Stop Believing, April and Holly were very funny (if slightly pointless lol), the acoustic version of Loser Like Me is beautiful, I actually enjoyed Puck and Quinn singing Just Give Me A Reason, the Friends sketch was hilarious and I really do have a good time watching this one. Excited for the second half of the season. You can't predict what's going to happen. 👀💕


The show just wasn't doing well as it aired at this point. Fox really missed the mark for a spin off that followed NY and allowed Glee to be seperate. Understandably it was way before crossovers became common successes among tv shows (mainly superhero ones) but that was meant to be the plan. AHS had also taken off and I don't know that Murphy's heart was really in it anymore. The storylines of both generations clearly suffered because they didn't do it. I was so excited when they ended glee club, because you could tell they had no idea what to do with the characters and had no original ideas. It was even more evident when you were getting one episode a week. On the podcast, Ryan Murphy and some cast members agreed it should've ended with Cory's passing.

Jade Coulthurst

I do like this episode, and the parting shot with the voices over the top I felt was a sweet moment of memory. I liked all the performances in this, except for the Just Give Me a Reason (the original is just epic, and it was too much of the same, if that makes sense). Rachel was very grown up in this in what she offered Santana, and it shouldn't have taken Brittany for Santana to knows she's wrong and just wants to upset Rachel. I'm not the biggest Rachel fan - not to say I don't like her at points - and I like Santana, but I was with Rachel in this episode. This could have easily been a finale for sure, but I really enjoy a lot of the episodes coming up in both this season and the next, so I hope you do too.

Jade Coulthurst

I forgot to say in my original comment that the outfit in Party All The Time were amazing, but especially Blaine! Pulling off the yellow again. I was thinking you'd know, but he was giving me Andrew vibes a bit, as I know you've seen Assassination of Versace, Travis. obviously a whole less creepy.

Annie Willow

Absolutely! These past two episodes really highlight how lost and out of control Santana had gotten because once she is with Brittany again she is back in balance and the same goes for Brittany. They really bring out the best in each other and call each other out when they need it and in the way that they will actually listen. Brittany really is “the foremost expert in the field of Santana Lopez”.

Annie Willow

The whole thing with Santana and Rachel is that they were both awful to each other and they just kept fueling the fire instead of just sitting down and having a civil conversation about the situation and hearing each other out. When Rachel offered 10 shows to Santana she first off didn’t apologize or take ownership for her part in the argument and then she said that Santana could bring her mom or her abuela, her abuela who disowned her. So of course Santana threw her back up and doubled down. Rachel just demonstrated she did not understand Santana at all. Now of course Santana should have actually discussed that with Rachel and Rachel should have actually humbled herself to actually listen but neither know how to effectively communicate to each other and that’s why it took Brittany stepping in because she is the only one who knows how to talk to Santana. Still though, neither Santana nor Rachel have actually apologized for their behavior. Santana quitting the show had nothing to do with her feud with Rachel as she said, and everything to do with herself, and also so Brittany can wish her away to paradise. 😉

Annie Willow

My take on Santana and Dani is that Santana was already not feeling so sure about Dani when she was totally cool with Kurt kicking her off the band and didn’t fight on her behalf. And then her soulmate Brittany swoops in actually fighting for her, grand gestures and all, and wanting to be with her now, how could she not completely forget about Dani. I have a feeling Santana complete ghosted her because she was too chicken to call or text her if she did remember her. OR Brittany made her do the right thing and made Santana call Dani and talk to her because that seems like something she would do. They are probably leaving for Lesbos straight from Lima so Santana wouldn’t be able to talk to Dani in person anyway.

Siobhan Linehan

IF Santana did call Dani to dump her over the phone after a couple of days back in Lima that's still a horrible thing to do. But I don't think she even did that, Brittany was literally pushing Santana to forget about Dani and be with her during this entire story. I just don't like how this whole thing was handled at all, it's once again reinforcing awful stereotypes about bisexual people with Brittany and it's once again showing that Santana only cares about herself. Sorry there's just no justifying this storyline for me personally.

Capri Zonica

I liked the Don't stop believing scene that sure feels like a finale and it's by far a better finale than the actual one. I liked Party all the time eventho it makes no sense for Holly to sing it. April is not even there. TBH April gets on my nerves and added nothing but I guess the creator really liked them. They did nothing for the club and the budget must have suffered that episode. So besides that song I think I hated almost everything. I don't even like how Brittana got back. It was so underwhelming =( . So Santana has been very stern about not coming back with Brittany, and she even stated that she doesn't believe Brittany genuinely loves her and the moment Brit says "hey, but you dont like Broadway and she goes, "oh, you know me, I guess we're back" Like.......what? And then she quits an excellent job so Rachel Berry is no longer moping around. Once again the writers call everyone LAZY when Santana was a Cheerio. Once again Rachel obstacles get cleared by a miracle. And the newbies, not even a group song as a send off. Just like that, they exist no more.

Pearltheodora Rose

I think everyone just gives Santana a pass , that girl has been mean and nasty since day one and literally tormented Rachel , but it’s Rachel that everyone is mad at ?? And I say this as someone that likes Santana