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Brittany Wilson

Alex just gets better and better with time. I love him!! And Bailey and the nurse.. I can’t. I love every thing Dr. Bailey. 😍❤️

Denisse Brito

This episode made me realize that I wanted to work in the ER :) I love this show.

Gabi andrade

This episode was so cool. I love when they play around with things and the episodes are focused different ways. Like the one earlier in season six. “I saw what I saw” And this one that shows what can happen in just one hour. The writers are really talented ! :)


this episode was especially great because their was no Owen sightings😊😊 lmaooo anyways yeah I think karev is built for peds!!


i loveee this episode!!! i think it might be my favourite of the season!! cant wait to watch when i get homeee ❤️

Dustee Lodholtz

I love this episode. It really shows how much can happen in 1 hour, especially in a hospital. Miranda Bailey, getting her some yum 😅 I'm happy she's letting her freak flag fly, so much of this show focuses on her being uptight and a rule follower, so it's nice to see her letting go a little bit. I love Henry saying to Teddy about her date, "And as your Husband, I think we can do better". He really cares for her and you can see as Teddy is walking away, she cares for him too. Meredith being poked in the elevator will never get old, they tried to make it seem so dirty 😅🤣 also commend Derek for not saying what he saw and closing the door right away 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Karev is just 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 He is literally in my Top 3 favorite characters of this show. His character growth is just 🤌🏼❤️‍🔥 I think Richard is holding back because he may have noticed Adele slipping a little bit too and doesn't want to admit it to himself so he lashed out on Meredith, the stab at Adele not being her mother was a bit out of hand on his part. Can't wait for the next episode 😬🖤

Diggin 4 History

oliver was 42 meredith says his age when she shows teddy his xrays


Richard definitely has too much a**hole energy for me to love him. I like him a lot of the times but every time he yells unnecessarily, I don't just dislike him, I loathe him. Lol


I love the song at the end


As someone who has been in the emergency room as a parent Thank You


I’m always happy to see a Grey's Anatomy episode to watch with you. You’re cranking through them and I love it.

Laura Shepherd

Can you imagine back in season 1 ever saying "I love Alex Karev" 😅 His character arc is awesome!


Alex is one of my favourite characters from the entirety of the show and it’s been that way since day one I knew he was special (it’s always the crazy ones isn’t it) I can’t tell you how many times I either said it with you “I LOVE ALEX KAREV” or I said ME TOO TRAVIS ME TOO after it’s becoming sorta routine now watching the show with you. I love lots of characters but I certainly love Alex the most with his messed up character and all. Bailey, Mer & Christina are close second. April & Jackson are pretty amazing. I feel like I’m forgetting some people 😂

Kayce Daniels

I didn’t even realize how long the credits roll for til you said something I’ve literally never noticed before 13 minutes into the episode and still credits?!? Jesus

Brandy Murphy

Travis lol do you recognize the little boy that Alex operated on? That is Jack, Aaron Hotchner's son from Criminal Minds :)

Travis Manning

Pretty sure I’ve seen that character for maybe 2 mins combined on criminal minds so no… I did not recognize him lmao.

Charissa Kay

I'm way behind so I'll try not to post on every one this late lol, but this is my fav Karev episode! Gets my heart every time, because he reminds me of my brother who can also be abrasive and emotionally distant, but when push comes to shove, he's my hero. To explain him I just say watch Karev's arc to this point 😂❣️.

Kayla Locklear

I absolutely love Alex, it took me a few episodes to like him.


Alex and peds, just makes so much sense. He has a way with kids that few drs do, and he truly cares about all of them. Alex’s transformation from the pilot til now has been great