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Thanks Sikozu for sponsoring the season!



Thank you for great reactions to Season 1 of Sandman and this bonus episode. I understand why you might feel this episode was different to the S1. This was probably more targeted to original comic fans. As those stories are very well regarded but also are quite stand-alone.\ A Dream of a Thousand Cats in particular was unexpected but it also managed to put together really fun voice cast. I will just say that Sandra Oh was The Prophet Siamese Cat :) Calliope is a hard story mostly because of its violence against women while it was not showed too much the implications were horrid. The story is important to plant a seed here about Calliope and Morpheus's dead son Orpheus. You might have seen in some tv/movies tangling with Greek myths a story of Orpheus and Eurydice. If not, then if/when this story pops up you will be given some context :) Hope other people who took this journey with us enjoyed it :) See ya in The Dreaming when S2 pops up on Netflix!