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Just a fun celeb trivia tidbit. The actress playing Claudine here - Lara Pulver used to be married to Josh Dallas aka Prince Charming in OUAT. Also the vampires exploding like bloody, stringy water balloons is still hilarious. I have not read the books in a bit, but I am fairly certain in the books they exploded into dust like most media at the time. So someone along the way to tv adaptation made a conscious decision to add this flavor just to quadruple their blood and guts budget for the season :D


Yeah, in the books they turn to ash which they need to clear up - in the books when Lorena is killed Sookie hides her ashes in the covered over swimming pool so that by the time it's uncovered in the spring it'll just be an unidentifiable sludge at the bottom! I wish Claudine was more like book Claudine too - I can't stand her in the show. In the books she has a twin who you'd love Travis, called Claude, and he's very very sexy and runs a strip club and poses for romance novel covers as well, but he's kind of only interested in men (mostly) and he's really really arrogant and an asshole but I bet he would have been a fun character in the show. TW below for fictional SA: I have to say in the books as well the scene with Bill is FAR more brutal - they are locked in a car boot rather than in a van, and he wakes up when it's nighttime in this tiny confined space with Sookie and he's been tortured and starved same as here, and his vampire-ness has totally taken over so all he knows is there's a human there and he attacks much like this episode. However, there isn't anyone to rescue Sookie and so because she knows of the strong link between bloodlust and, well, lust, when she starts growing weaker she manages to move against him that sort of triggers the sex lust and he basically rapes her without knowing it's her - they never really say the word rape in the book but that is what it is. And it's after that that he kind of snaps into himself as Bill again and realises it's Sookie and he's so full of remorse, and she's so hurt and overall it's just an awful awful scene. I can see why they didn't go quite as far in the show, because I don't think people would ever forgive Bill, whereas in the book whilst she is very very scarred by the whole thing, she understands that it wasn't "him" acting.