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I ain’t mad at it either 😂

Kailah Nicole

yeah rewatching these episodes i noticed they were all of over the place but i think it gets better after this weird season and there's more plots that makes sense. but i loved your reaction

leslie martin

I'm really annoyed with Lydia's storylines.. she's my favorite character but i'm so annoyed with the show dragging her storylines for so long and getting her more and more apart of the team. I think her storyline this season is super interesting and important, but she gets those 2min scenes here and there, and she's so far away from the action and the pack overall. Also, she's alone, physically and emotionnaly, in lots of those scenes. They prioritize so much of the relationships between couples, like they always did of course, but they kind of lost the friendship of it all. And bc Lydia doesn't have a relationship, she's not getting treated good by the writers imo. They also, imo, failed to make us care about the girls friendship (Lydia, Malia, Kira). And we had those small scenes with Stiles and Lydia, but Scott don't really support her that much anymore. Don't get me wrong, i love her will all my heart, and i still find her storylines interesting BUT we learned a season ago (3x09) that she was a banshee and we're still in the dark about any of her "powers". Obviously, i've seen the show and i know we get more about it later, but i think it's pretty messed up how long they're dragging her "supernatural feelings"... Also, i really hate how no one is really helping her. As i said previously, she's alone physically and emotionally most of the start of the season. Her friends are in no way interesting in knowing more about her supernatural side, and she seems to be okay with staying in the dark. And i think that's kind of poorly written bc i feel like at least Stiles would be all over the place trying to investigate what a banshee really is. She lost her "boyfriend" and best friend a few episodes ago, she's seeing all of her friends in relationships and now she's just kind of alone.. I know this show loves a build up storyline, but i think it's kind of dumb of dragging it for so long and making her to be a side character again. I just think her storyline this season is really good and interesting, but the way they cut it up in such small clips over the season, kind of makes the audience not care about it. And i think Holland Roden is an amazing actress and she can definitely carry those solo scenes alone, but i wish she was more involved with the pack. Anyway, excuse my essay lol. But i feel like anyone who loves Lydia would understand that she's been there since ep 1 of season 1 and it sometimes still feels like she's a side character... but next episode is good so i'll just shut up now haha