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It always annoyed me how they ruined their friendship over something as silly as an understudy role tbh

Gustavo Menezes

Rachel may be a little overdramatic, but I totally understand her side. Funny has always been her dream, and suddenly a friend decides to do the same thing, I would find it strange to say the least


Rachel was so dramatic and petty. I hate how they almost tried to paint it as they are both in the wrong when even though Santana said some bitchy stuff, it was all in response to Rachel acting psychotic.


The next few episodes are some of my faves. Can't wait!

Liv Heskett

Rachel is SUCH a hypocrite especially when she said Santana is Puerto Rican and can’t play a Jewish women meanwhile Rachel JUST played a Puerto Rican in west side story. As an actor myself I think Rachel is so in the wrong. The way she speaks about understudies is disgusting and I genuinely think she’s delusional during that last convo. I’ve been to countless auditions where my friends and I go for the same roles. And sometimes someone gets it and you don’t or you are a friends understudy. It’s actually one of the most gratifying experiences to work closely with your friend like that. I agree that Santana prob should have mentioned it before hand (not asked but told cause she doesn’t need permission) but like she said Rachel would have picked a fight anyway. Santana is 100% right that Rachel LOVED being the “most successful” of the glee club and having something over people. Rachel is truly just mad because she doesn’t get to be THE Broadway star anymore. If this was highschool she would have LOVED that Santana was her “sad little understudy” but now that it has actual benefits she doesn’t want Santana to be seen as her equal.

Liv Heskett

Also I’m sure you have watched it but in the small chance you haven’t I would love to see you react to funny girl before we get to the episode where they do the show.

Angel Garcia

I'm a little on Rachel's side only because people forget how terrible Santana and others treated her in high school! Then Santana tries to invalidate Rachel's talent saying the only reason she's good is from the bullying!!! Santana's never wanted to be a Broadway actor before then suddenly seeing Rachel get this amazing fame from it she wants it. It's already established the only thing Santana wants to be is famous. She sees Rachel is worried about the understudy role and then auditions without a heads up. Maybe it's me playing devil's advocate but I think Rachel has some valid reasons to be upset.

leslie martin

i totally agree. to summarize it in one sentence : Santana auditioning for the role only comes from a place of jealousy and rage at Rachel becoming a diva for this role. And i could also just add that you can clearly see Santana at the start of the episode struggling bc she isn't doing as much as the other ones.. and of course she comes for Rachel's project out of everything she could do in the world.

leslie martin

i'm on Rachel's side, always. Santana never was interested in Broadway or Funny Girl, and she actually did auditioned just bc Rachel was being a diva and she was bored. Rachel was trying to help Santana by finding her a job and being there for her as a friend. Santana once again tried to push that "good side" of her away. She couldn't stand being in her shadow. it's just like in high school, Santana auditioned, she played with Finn, she bullied her, just bc she can and she was bored. Yes she had some growth over the show, and yes they've been friends lately, but friends would never do that to their friends. Also considering the fact Rachel just lost Finn and Funny Girl is the only thing bringing her joy is sad... Santana could have been the understudy, always, she's talented. But she should have said it to Rachel, bringing up the fact of "how cool would it be if we worked together" and everything. But she did auditioned just bc she was annoyed by Rachel and wanted to "put her back in her place". It's very high school Santana coded, sorry. Of course Rachel is annoying, and she was bad lots of times. But this time, to me, no. Also just auditioning with "don't rain" definitely shows that Santana knows Rachel so so much and knew she would hate it even more bc of it. Also, she auditioned knowing Rachel would be mad, so that just sums up the fact that yes, if you know your friend is going to get hurt/mad, you should at least try to talk to them before.. I get that this is a subject of conflict between the fans, and most of the ones i've seen on patreon just take Santana's side bc imo they prefer her overall. Rachel is not a favorite, and people just think she deserves every bad thing coming from every character on the show. To me she's just that 19 yo girl who's been badly bullied by some of her best friends now, has made her dream come true and lost the love of her life on the way. Maybe she would deserve a little bit more kindness from some people... :/ It's just sad that she chose to ruin the only good female friendship she had for 2 minutes just bc she was insecure... Also at the start of the episode Rachel says something like Santana shouldn't be embarrassed to talk to her bc they're friends... sad. It's just the same way Santana ruined every female friendship she had on the show so far. Sad that the writers had to bring back her s2 self when she had made some progress in the last 2 seasons. and Rachel is not an angel herself, but i doubt she would have done that to her at that point in the show. The problem is not Santana being an understudy for Rachel. The problem is that she only did it from a bad place and not bc she thought it would be fun to work together.

Lina Distadio

Its not like she went head to head with her. Santana did it in literally the only way where they could both be in the role. Santana didn't come for Rachel or dethrone her, be so for real. I've been in theater my whole life and never have I seen anybody other than delusional weirdos have a problem with their friend being their understudy. Usually people prefer for their understudies to be their friends because it's less likely for your friend to do some messed up shit to you to be able to get on stage than it is for a stranger who doesn't care about you.


Rachel was 100000% being over dramatic. Santana wasn’t coming for her role and yes, Santana has never expressed interest in Broadway but it’s a great opportunity. Even if it’s just to put on a resume or portfolio. She’s the understudy. But this is one of my favorite episodes because the music is 🔥

Capri Zonica

I feel this is one of the best episodes in the whole series and the Santana/Rachel storyline is so good that it should've been the main plot thoughout this whole season, because Santana has been the best antagonist Rachel has had so far, like she really is that talented, smart and menacing enough to really represent an obstacle on Rachel's path. Santana is an obstacle that's convincing enough to challenge Rachel. Some people think that this was out of nowhere or too fast but as Rachel said, they really have a past since season 1. I think they work best as antagonist, or frenemies than actual bbfs. Glee has lost it's spark and their feud may ignite it back.

Capri Zonica

As Rachel said, they were never friends. They're better off as frenemies for the sake of the audience amusement.

Liv Heskett

Also not everyone on Broadway or in show buisness has been dreaming of it since a little kid. But Santana did show interest in highschool she did rocky horror and west side story and she was amazing. She also has always been a performer (glee club and childhood dance lessons) so I’m confused why people think her wanting to sing and dance on a stage is so out of left field.

Travis Manning

I just don’t think Santana shouldn’t audition for the understudy because Rachel feels entitled to the role yall. So what if Rachel has dreamed about broadway forever. Clearly singing and performing is a passion of Santana’s as well - and people’s dreams can evolve over time. I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

Capri Zonica

I know. That argument makes no sense. The Cheerios aka Unholy Trinity were already "better" performers than the Glee club kids. Sure, perhaps not interested in Broadway or particularly singing, but they were entertainers, and actually, Santana was the singer of them three, and she wasn't it mentioned that she had gotten a Coyote Ugly like job before this one? I wish we had seen that on screen.

Capri Zonica

Of course it isn't but apparently Rachel had called dibs for anything Broadway. I get that she coul've gotten upset for Santana not telling her or doing a very similar choreo on her audition, but apparently, she gets jelous of everybody who represents a rival. Wanting something more than other people doesn't make more suited for it. As I mentioned before, all Cheerios, especially Santana, were already a great performers before joining Glee.

Liv Heskett

I think it’s so funny how Rachel has dreamed of this her whole life yet has no actual knowledge of how the theatre industry works. Rachel truly thinks this is all about her. And in theatre that is not the right attitude. It’s a team effort. Everyone’s a Lego piece. And for her to discredit understudies, swings, and covers is just soooo ignorent. It really just goes to show she has never thought about the theatre industry outside of herself and what SHE can bring to it. And usually I will defend Rachel cause I do think she gets ganged up on a lot. But truly there’s no excuse for her behavior here.


Agreed! I was going to write that how does Santana know she doesn’t want to pursue Broadway when she’s never tried? Who knows? She could end up loving it! And like Travis commented, Rachel doesn’t own Broadway. Rachel aside, I always appreciate Kurt in this episode because he’s very logical and objective. I appreciate that because he could have sided with Rachel but the integrity in him shined through. ☺️


totally agree with you. people jump through hoops to defend rachel's behavior. people can blame it on santana being a bitch in high school, but rachel was one of the most selfish, problematic people in the glee club. she was sending exchange students to crack houses.

Edwina Annor

i never understood why Rachel was so mad that Santana auditioned as an UNDERSTUDY like girl you already got the main role..


I will agree that the whole feud is really annoying. But I have to take Rachel's side on this one - purely bc of the fact that Santana blindsided her on the audition and used Don't Rain on My Parade. The way she performed it was based on Rachel's performance in the competition AND it was the song that she choked with just last year 🫤 You literally can't say that this wasn't a dig at Rachel. There were no other songs that could have been performed? Also all the crap Santana said about her previous bullying in high school. Not to mention totally flipping Rachel's inclusion of her in the photo shoot and saying that she was hogging the spotlight during that. Idk. Like of course Santana is entitled to go after jobs, but she clearly wasn't doing this with that sole intention.

Travis Manning

The song is from the show she’s auditioning for 😂 - although coming thru the aisle in the house was a little shady lol


Haha yeah I knew it was from the show, but at least to Glee that type of stuff doesn't seem to matter, considering Rachel auditioned with Don't Stop Believing lmao

Gemma Rivera

I'll start with Artie and Tina's storyline. First of all, the premise is ridiculous and clearly contrived as a way to get them to ramp up the drama because most schools have ways of breaking ties behind the scenes without having the actual valedictorian candidates in the know or directly involved in the outcome. It really cheapens all the work they have put in thus far. And why couldn't they have shared the honor? I know schools that have allowed for that instead of trying to break the tie. Tina's descent as a character is just more difficult to watch as the show goes on and I feel bad for Jenna having to play that out. She has often said that she had a lot of trouble speaking up and advocating for herself with the writers and producers and it was a waste of her talent in my opinion to have her keep returning to this behavior. It was also a waste of potential for an impactful storyline. It is nice to see hers and Kevin's friendship shine through though. They got a house together after the first season and there was always a lot of speculation that they were dating. Naya was their unofficial 3rd housemate and Harry was also there quite often and they referenced their extreme closeness in an interview they did at the Golden Globes that year. Now on to the Rachel/Santana feud. There was also a lot happening behind the scenes during this season and the tabloids and press were all over it so I'm sure the writers took the opportunity to amp up the drama between their characters to grab as much attention as they could from the press. That being said, there is a lot to unpack here. Rachel absolutely earned that role and deserved to be proud of her success, but Diva Rachel is starting to emerge once again. You can see the diva starting to starting to bubble up starting in the scene at the diner. Santana is already frustrated with how the customer treated her and she showed a tremendous amount of restraint and demonstrated how far she's come because past Santana wouldn't have thought twice about going Lima Heights on that customer, consequences be damned. Even Rachel noticed the restraint she showed as recognition of her growth. I do believe that Rachel had good intentions when she offered Santana a place in the photoshoot, although I do believe that her ego was starting to show a bit here by claiming that she had enough pull to even be in a place to offer that to Santana (this is what Santana was referring to later on after her audition). Santana even acknowledged that was jealous after she had just vented about her frustrations about not having much going for her, but still went and was a supportive friend by telling Rachel to own her success and it was then that she could even start to see herself possibly in the spotlight. We don't even know what Santana's place ended up really being in the shoot since Brave (such a stunning number) turned out to be a fantasy sequence. Rachel's excitement at the end of Brave to bring Santana into the shoot was a cute little moment of friendship between the two. Rachel's diva starts flaring up again as she starts talking about the auditions for her understudy. At this point I think that her insecurity is coming out pretty hard which explains her disdain for the whole process. I think this shows an immaturity on her part because having an understudy is a necessary part of the show, which is something that I feel Rachel knows, but is still having a hard time accepting and she somehow internalized that it is somehow a knock on her talent or work ethic. You can see this in how she still tried to convince the director that she will never get sick so one is not needed when in the end it's a business decision that the higher ups make. I also think that her thoughts about the function and motivations of an understudy are a bit outdated as she has to be told again why it is necessary that they have one. She is incredibly rude during the whole process to her director and to the other performers who are trying out, which to me reinforces at least one of the reasons why Santana didn't tell her beforehand. Santana is pretty spot on in her reading of people and she could see that coming to Rachel beforehand would have complicated the process tenfold. I see it happening a number of different ways if Santana were to tell Rachel beforehand: 1) Rachel throws a fit and torpedoes her, 2) Rachel is excited for her and puts in a good word for her with the director, 3) Rachel is happy for her friend and helps her to put out the best audition she can and lets the director decide without any input, or 4) Rachel is able to calmly and maturely discuss her concerns and insecurities with Santana and together they come up with a way to navigate the situation together. Given what they've shown us about Rachel's disdain for the process and the trajectory of her character so far, I think that Santana was right in assuming that number 1 is the most likely outcome, so she proceeds in a way that gives her the best chance to succeed, which is understandable as we all have a right to look out for ourselves. And at the heart of it, Santana is doing something that Rachel has been advising her to do since season 4 when they were trying to get her to do more than just waitress or work at Coyote Ugly. I don't fault Santana for playing this one close to the vest and not telling Rachel because of how Rachel was acting prior to the auditions even starting...things get really messy after and it gets harder to parse out what is really going on. Rachel really fulfills the prophecy and is acting like an entitled and spoiled brat and starts throwing things around that should never have even entered the argument. She first acts like she owns "Don't Rain on My Parade" and that Santana had no right to sing that song, which even Kurt points out is ridiculous. And then she tells Santana she had no right to audition for it based on her ethnic background which is completely baseless because Rachel played Maria in high school and no one ever let the obvious incongruency of that enter the picture then. That combined with the interaction with the customer earlier in the episode and you have a recipe for a powder keg of emotions to explode quite quickly and easily as we see how it does. If Rachel had kept the argument solely about Santana not sharing her intentions beforehand, then I think that they may have been able to discuss it, but with Rachel bringing those things in, I understand how that argument got out of hand very quickly and resulted in some pretty nasty things coming from Santana. It saddens me that Santana also allowed things that should have never entered the argument come up, like the things from high school and she was wrong in that respect, but I can understand that she was feeling very attacked on many levels, especially with Rachel bringing things that Santana cannot change about herself like her race and ethnicity. Rachel was in attack mode and Santana retaliated with an attack of her own, but a lot of her actions were her staying calm and stand her ground and she even invited Rachel to try and discuss it, but she attacked after Rachel attacked her and Rachel ramped it up by bringing it into the physical realm by slapping her, and Santana didn't join her in that realm. I don't think that Santana had malicious intentions by not saying anything to Rachel beforehand and knew that it would cause a negative reaction in Rachel, but I think she weighed her options carefully and decided to deal with the repercussions. Which I can't find fault in. The whole asking permission vs forgiveness argument doesn't apply here because the understudy role was not Rachel's to give so there is no permission to ask for. At worst, I would say that Santana broke the rules of courtesy, but I think she was ready to try and remedy that because she demonstrated how much her character has grown by how she handled Rachel's attacks. I really wish Rachel could have seen and acknowledged how much Santana has grown and given her a chance to explain her intentions. Santana has proven that she was at least owed that after how she helped Rachel with the Brody situation even after they kicked her out and how she was there for her during the pregnancy scare.

Amy Smith

The first song that Artie and Tina sang was “Whenever I Call You Friend” by Kenny Loggins ft. Stevie Nicks. Sooo good

Siobhan Linehan

Well I've already explained my feelings about this episode to you on Discord. But yeah I'm fully tean Rachel. She has been nothing but lovely to Santana since they became Friends and becoming friends with my high school bully is honestly something I could never do. And at the start of this episode she got Santana a top modelling job which I genuinely believe was selfless and just her being nice. So for Santana to then audition for Rachel's show without telling her, singing the song she always sang in the way she always sang it was really out of line. Yes Santana being Rachel's understudy isn't a big deal, but Santana did it just to annoy Rachel and that's the problem. It's not like Santana had been considering it for a while either. She heard Rachel say there were auditions happening, she put down her name without telling Rachel first and planned that whole big entrance singing Don't Rain On My Parade just to piss Rachel off. If I was Rachel I would've been mad too if any of my friends had done that. But a friend who used to bully Rachel constantly doing that would've brought back SO much pain from high school. And it's also worth remembering that it's only been a few months since Finn died too. So taking all of that into account I completely understand Rachel's over reaction. Now, when we talked on Discord about this you made some good points. Rachel did go too far in some of the things she said and the slap was unnecessary. But again, Santana was winding her up. She was ranting at Rachel and calling her names and so the slap made sense. As did Rachel moving out, I wouldn't want to live with someone like Santana honestly. But of course this is all just my personal opinion. I know you don't totally agree Travis and I can see some people in the comments feel differently as well and that's completely ok. We're all going to see things differently. I'm just glad there are a few other team Rachel's here so I'm not on my own. 😂 Also Kevin McHale has one of the most underrated voices. And Adam Lambert sounds INCREDIBLE on Do You Believe In A Thing Called Love. And there are so many more great songs to come in this season. 😊

Gustavo Menezes

I totally understand what you're saying, but Santana and Rachel are not the best friend type, I even think that for Rachel, Santana is the kind of friend who would do something with her to get the role. Again, I’m not saying Rachel is right, I just understand her point of view

Annie Willow

Everything you said about the Rachel/Santana feud had been my stance but you said it in a way more articulate way than I could ever come up with.

leslie martin

yes!! her having the understudy role is not the problem, but her intentions are. she did it from an insecure and jealous place bc she didn't have the same spotlight on her. and she chose to do it behind Rachel's back and choosing that special song too. of course she doesn't have the monopole of this song, but it's something Santana obviously chose to get Rachel angrier. Santana has all the talent in the world to be the understudy, but she wanted to be Rachel's one bc of bad intentions. If this is really your friend and roommate, and not the girl you used to bully a year ago, why would you do this behind her back. and YOU KNOW Rachel is that girl that is just going to be mad and insecure?? you shouldn't want to hurt your friend like that but...

leslie martin

i'm just sad some people hate Rachel so much that they can't be kind for her. even when it comes to her being faced with some big challenges in life, like loosing Finn, becoming a star on broadway or moving in with your high school bully.


As someone who loves Finchel and Brittana, as couples, but doesn't particularly likes Santana and Rachel as individual characters (NOT saying they're my least favorites neither), i can say objectively that i'm Team NO ONE. Rachel is being over-dramatic and Santana auditioned for bad reasons, period.🤷🏽‍♂️

Jade Coulthurst

I am completely with you on your wrap up feelings. Both Santana and Rachel said hurtful things (what else is new, haha), but Rachel shouldn't have slapped her for sure. Kurt was right in what he said about why should it matter if she's your understudy - she may never go on for you, but it's still a good experience for her, and as Santana's friend she should have been happy for her and enjoyed spending time on this great experience together. I did feel Rachel was genuine getting Santana involved in the photoshoot opportunity though, and I don't remember hearing Santana saying thank you about that, and that was before all the drama. It is a bit annoying, but like you said Travis, it's not going to make me dislike Rachel - we all know she's ambitious and very talented and deserves a bit of self-pride - but she hadn't done anything for me to really feel annoyed at her for for more than a whole season tbh. But I can see why people back Rachel up too, but she should never have slapped Santana. And that ending, I think if Rachel went to hug Santana goodbye, she would've accepted it and she looked genuinely upset when Rachel tore up their picture. Just my opinion anyway. Songs were AMAZING in this episode. I just love Adam Lambert, so underrated. He is incredible! And some great duets and performances overall.


Girl I thought this was Heidi for a minute there lol

Helen Moore

I think it is totally fine for a friend to audition for the same role or the understudy and usually it is encouraged however the dynamic between has always been strained. Rachael is desperate to keep the attention on herself and Santana has always liked to screw with her for fun. If my friend had just lost the love of her life and I knew she had something that was all hers and she could dive into I probably just wouldn't go there, especially when that thing is the one goal that she had been talking about since their freshman year. Make the connections, work at the diner but leave it alone. I think Rachael does like to feel superior to everyone around her and for that reason it can take some of her humanity away. She takes small little sparks and turns them into full on raging fires and burns everything and everyone in her path.

Sherry Palmer

I do think that Rachel's reaction was stupid, but I can't hate her for the slap. Santana was in her face saying terrible things and reverting to the bully she was in high school. Rachel took it then and was not going to now.

Sherry Palmer

And now I am all caught up on Glee...

Jennifer Tocalino

It’s Santana’s motives for auditioning for the role is what I have a problem with. She’s jealous and spiteful. It’s because it’s Rachel so people always find a way to blame everything on her. Rachel is the only one who has to be perfect to fans while all the other characters can be imperfect, get excuses made for their behavior.

Teresa Ruiz

I completely agree with everything you said about the Rachel/santana situation.


Okay putting my thoughts in on this episode: one thing people seem to forget is that Rachel has always lived in a world where she got what she wanted (from being an only child) and because of this in her career and in past episodes as well as this one she has a tendency to blow things out of proportion making it out like people are trying to one up her (probably from when she was bullied or looked down on in school) but Santana is also in the wrong as well…. She has a tendency as well to put up a wall around what she’s feeling and goes back to her “factory settings” of what she was like in high school especially towards Rachel… but In this instance she acted because one she doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life now (and I believe if you dont try the thing you want to do how would you know if you’d be great at it) so Santana auditions to be Rachel’s understudy and honestly I believe Santana’s playing two sides to herself kinda how like Sue belittled and picked on the glee club only to make them better.. (she did learn from sue from her Cheerio days) but this is just what I’m thinking because towards the end of the episode we see both girls regretting the things they did and said to each other and in Santanas part maybe she was thinking she took it to far and in Rachel’s part now she has to back up what she said in anger bc that’s what she’s learned…