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Alicia Cue

exactly your comments at the end is what i was saying about rumples sacrifice, in the long, especially for neal obviously was perfect. i agree that his sacrifice lead to neal’s and i think that’s what the importance of it was: to show his son he can be selfless and he’ll protect his family at all costs, and to show him how honorable it is to do the same. Especially because, let’s be real in the long run of the show, we need the dark one more than one of emma’s many love interests 🤷🏾‍♀️😬 don’t get me wrong i love neal and all but it terms of storyline, there’s more room for rumple.


I didn't like it either! I wish Neal and Henry had more time together before this happened.


If anyone watched the original broadcast, I remember the show going on hiatus for a few months after the Rumple sacrifice episode. So when he came back it seemed like he was gone a while when in actuality it was only two episodes later.