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Krisa Barker

I so love Caroline and Stefan they are my favorite ship! ❤️ Such good chemistry between them. 🤗 I always cry watching Liz die she is amazing and such a kind soul. 🥺 It always reminds me that I never got to say goodbye to my Grandpa. He is my hero. 😔😭💔

Lana S

I’ve been kind of dreading watching this episode again because, like you said, it’s so much harder to watch a natural death rather than a snapped neck or some other vamp-y thing. She did everything right, but bad things happen to the best of us. Liz will always be one of my favorite characters! Always trying to do good! It’s no fun to cry but I’m so glad you’re watching the whole series! Thanks for sharing! ❤️


This is by far the saddest death in the whole show 😢 there is one I am more angy about but this one is still no. 1 for sadness.


This is the saddest death...I've seen this show dozens of times over and I still cry so hard during this episode. You're so right though - f cancer!