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YEYYY super excited to watch once i finish work 🩷

Radha Karia

YAS QUEEN! Def not one of my favs for obvious reasons but still a good watch with T!

Kadence Collins

watching this instead of school idc


Fav s7 ep

Jeanette Dawe

oh yay more Grey's! just when I was giving up on what to watch lol


thank you for not leaving us without our yeahs! very kind :D

Radha Karia

I think this was a mid-season finale. Greys loves to torture us with those. Richard is such a father! With his guilt trips and he is just a good leader. Love April’s meltdown! It’s the best part of this depressing episode! When Cristina was yelling at Mer, “how are you okay?”, I wish Mer would have said, “Cuz my mother was Ellis Grey and my father was Thatcher Grey”! And you noticed that Cristina looked lighter in the end and wow to Sandra for being able to portray it so effortlessly!


April is the best part of this episode. 😂😂


Us every episode: wtf?! That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen/heard! Shonda: Hold my beer.

Chloe James Grant

Arizona leaving was interesting, poor Callie everyone who loves her either leaves, cheats or/and dies… also Cristina I love her and understand why she blames mer.

Tina Stewart

I think Arizona and Callie shocked me. Their acting was fantastic

kashena redhead

The daughter was Tara from Buffy the Vampire Slayer


The surgeons hook up on the clock, fight and talk about their personal lives while performing surgery but the pathologist annoyed you for chewing gum and checking her dinner reservation while doing an autopsy? Silly. 🤣 (I get it though. Lol)

Travis Manning

Well the eating or drinking anything in there seems unsanitary lol. And I think I don't like her mostly because of her dismissiveness of my girl Miranda.


The daughter is not only from Buffy, but also from Supernatural. I can't remember her character's name, but she was the vampire in the 2nd season who was drinking animal blood instead of human blood.


Love April’s enthusiasm this episode!!


Nope, according to the greys wiki's original air dates this is not a mid-season finale, the break is between 7x10/7x11, originally airing Dec 2 / Jan 6.

Portia Crain

I Arizona was my top 5 characters until the episode breaking my girls heart like not okay... My top 5 of the current characters in now is 1. Bailey 2. Callie 3. Lexie 4. April 5. Yang


The daughter was just in an episode of Private Practice that you watched haha. She played the woman who was attacked and Violet helped her remember her attacker. They like to recycle the same actors despite it being in the same universe.

Travis Manning

You're right ! To be fair her face was messed up for most of the episode but.... It totally clicks now !

Charissa Kay

Yeah, Mer is perpetually never ok and always in the CPTSD state. She said she's calm in a crisis because as Derek once replied "she's seen worse." From a very young age she was exposed to the horror that really plagues life. She isn't ok. It was horrible, but basically just another horror on a different day. I wish Cristina could understand this or the show could acknowledge this. Cristina resents developing such a close connection with someone that it put her life in danger, and while the feeling is understandable, especially about Meredith risking her own life too, it's definitely not really anyone's fault.

Charissa Kay

I didn't sympathize about the jeans with that butt lady. In no world do they make jeans for a large ass either. You either get too small and a suffocating belt or too big and a belt. In absolutely no world do they make non-custom or tailored, affordable jeans, solely to accommodate relative to someone's backend. She'll be shelling out almost as much as her surgery for custom made or tailored jeans anyhow.

Serenity La’sandra

Love a lot of greys characters, but April has to be my favorite!

Helen Moore

I think Miranda wasn't appreciating that a pathologist all day every day has to look at the dead, cut them open and tell people why they died so to cope they disassociate. She was emotionally attached to the patient and because of that expected different treatment but that isn't really fair to put on someone else just doing her job.


Absolutely. That's why I understand the initial reaction to be frustrated or annoyed or dislike the pathologist. It comes from feeling protective of Miranda since we know she's so attached to this case


this episode is where April became one of my top favs. i loved when Owen told her the ambulance wasn’t in play and April was like “Looks like I got AAA.” 😂 on another note, my heart broke for Miranda having no answers about what happened to Mary, and also for Callie when Arizona just left her at the airport. i mean sure Callie was in a bad mood for what, a day or two, and she just drops her for that. i was so mad at Arizona for this, especially when Callie was trying to be positive.

Kayla Locklear

This is when I started to dislike Arizona personally

Tiffani Donaldson

Lenore! 😃 and the other patient with the butt implant is Cas' first wife on supernatural


I love April so much

Holley Desigio

Callie’s the worst. Her constant whining and need for attention is exhausting. Loved Arizona standing up for herself and saying what I wanted her to say for 2 episodes. Liked her in season 2, but it’s been downhill from there. Love April.


I absolutely get Arizona here😬 Callie hasn’t just been in a bad mood, but jealous and passive aggressive and she’s kind of ruined every moment arizona has smiled the entire episode. A little disappointment is fine but i wouldn’t want to deal with that level of it either. This is an absolutely massive win for arizona and she doesn’t get to feel as good about it as she deserves because Callie was so jealous. Instead, she was doing damage control. I adore Callie and get why she feels this way but damn