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Loved all callbacks to Discworld & Doctor Who (I doubt the fez was intentional reference but I also count it :D). But the most I loved inclusion of Seamstresses (hem hem). This is coming as an euphemism from another Terry Pratchett book - Man at Arms: "A survey by the Ankh-Morpork Guild of Merchants.....found 987 women who gave their profession as 'seamstress' Oh...and two needles." I loved bad spelling demons and Jim's epic Liberace-inspired outfit as well. And above all else I continue loving Aziraphale and Crowley :)


Nina knocking the air out of Crowley with her assumptions of him and Aziraphale is one of my favorite scenes. My man (gn) did not expect that at all. They've existed together for so long and have been dancing around what they truly are to each other for 6000 years. And then of course, the dance scene. Oh how it made my heart sing when I saw it the first time.