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Ilsuk Yang

Who is Lucas? 🤐🤐🤐

Rachel Culpepper

This episode what Lex goes through brakes my heart. For most of his life the only family's he's had is Lineal and how here the chance Clark his only real friend that we know of could be his younger brother. Not only that but through him a possible failure relationship with Martha and Jonathan, this family he idealizes but it's just not possible.

Samantha Bailey

Even though Chloe is extremely annoying when it comes to Clark’s secrets, for me so is Lana. I feel like she holds it over Clark as a reason they can’t be together. Chloe asked in a previous episode if Clark had the chance to know his bio parents would he and he said yes. That was a private conversation between the two, but i think Chloe continued to look in case he ever wanted to know and didn’t expect the woman to show up. It was over stepping on Chloe’s part even though she didn’t give Clark’s name. As for Lana in this episode even though she wants to know if the man Henry Small is her father it was still a shock and considered an ambush from the other persons perspective. I do like the fact that she wrote him a letter instead of just showing up to his house as a second attempt and left it in his court unlike the woman that thought she was Clark’s bio mother who kept pushing herself on Clark and overstepping. When it comes to the Clark/Lana interaction in this episode Clark has rose colored glasses. He ignores the comments she makes about him and his secrets and then immediately moves the topic along. Unless Clark and Lana are straight up disagreeing he doesn’t call her out on anything but he does for everyone else. A person doesn’t need to tell their secrets on someone else’s timeline which includes Lex, Lana and Chloe but when he is ready and comfortable to make that decision.