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Leticia Schmitt

You can even "forget" for a moment about the statistics about assault in bathrooms and still doesn't make any sense. Like, the transphobes thinks there is ALL THOSE CHILD RAPISTS right? So they want them to go on the boys bathroom, where their little boys go? It doesn't make any sense. Also, a person who is willing to R4PE or SA someone it's not gonna be stopped by some sign on the bathroom.... This whole bathroom discussion it's just a cover up for pure hate that transphobes have. It's insane that this is even a thing

Leticia Schmitt

ALSO I got my patreon signature BACK. I had problems with my credit card doing international purchases. Thanks for replying my messages <3

Sebastian Whitaker

If I Were A Boy honestly one of the greatest moments from this show. It's there with I Want To Hold Your Hand and Cough Syrup for me. And the fact that they had the LEGEND that is Alex Newell on this show and only gave them a solo like once or twice a season... despicable