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yeyyyy so excited to watch this when i get home from work 🫶🏼

Dustee Lodholtz

I agree it is kinda a filler episode, but one im kinda okay with. Owen is right, had they been better prepared they could've saved Charles and the other 2. So i am glad Richard went with his proposal. I liked seeing Christina finally put in an opinion about SOMETHING and im so happy for Roy that she did. I had a really close friend of the family pass away from Dementia, its so scary, and i see signs in my Great-Grandmother every so often so thats scary and sad too. I think it was a close one with Owen and Derek, but im glad Owen got the money. I cant wait to see the next episode! I kinda forgot where its going, but i kinda have an idea and if im right, im so excited! lol

Tina Stewart

This episode was so good

kashena redhead

I didn't even notice before that the patient with the brain bleed is Iris West from The Flash

Cassandra Ryan

the way derek was smiling when meredith was finishing up that surgery ugh so cute. he looks so proud


lets go Travis for pointing out the sexist double standard that allows the boys "boobs" to be shown 🙌

Aleksandra Simoni

“Can they grow back?” LMAO funny story, but I had a breast reduction when I was 19. Went from an Hcup down to a DD. 10yrs later and the mfs grew back. 🙄 I don’t know if the same would happen to a teenage boy, though lol

Red Dwarf

They can come back? I actually debated my whole life about a reduction. I have neck pain a lot, but I just couldn't do it and I can't even explain why. Though so many times I wish I had. Now I just feel too old for it and I don't want surgery unless I can help it.