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OMGGGGG i LOVE amelia!! this episode is so good.. also i hate derek for acting that way to amelia, i understand him being apprehensive but the way he treats her is so rude but i understand the part with cristina tho :// ALSOOO i love that scene where they were talking about their first times, those scenes are just so fun to watch especially with the 5 of them together... tbh i just love the scenes where the doctors interact in regular situations hahahah also april gagged them all at the end i love her so much

Dustee Lodholtz

Long term relationship lol we all knew what you meant 😅 I love this episode, being introduced to Amelia ☺️ and then the poor girl inhaling the condom 😂🤣 all in all a great episode, can't wait for the next 🖤

Alicia Cue

here’s she comessssss🥳🥳 also that endinggggg god why can’t mark and lexie ever get their timing right????? and april telling everybody about themselves at Joes was when i really started liking her And derek and Amelia’s talk about their dad and how he just wants to keep her safe omg the tears, this show does so many different types of relationships; familial and otherwise soooo well


i love Cristina and Derek’s friendship. yeah there’s quite a lot of the time that they don’t get along but when they do get along i love them. Derek understanding Mer and Cristina’s friendship and not questioning it, him saying “but now we’re family and that means i worry about you” and the rest of that conversation melts my heart. and OMG you finally met Amelia!! i love her so much probably cause i relate to her a lot


Love that April rant in the bar. Way back when end of S6 made me already a fan of her, this episode made me a true fangirl. She is the type of character I usually find annoying, but Sarah Drew acts her heart out anytime they give her some decent writing and this was no different. Love April always.

Clay W

That's a spoiler! He hasn't gotten there yet. Please delete that.


amelia shepherd fan club #1 member 🙋‍♀️


please don't tell him this 🤦‍♀️ don't wreck my private practice reaction videos please

Helen Moore

oh... we probably should have warned you about the spider 🤣🤣🤣 Also there is a reason that April is my favorite character

Charissa Kay

#justgeneralthoughts I really do think that people can't REALLY understand something unless they experience it, because anyone can for sure get the feels watching Amelia and Derek's convo, but can you actually relate? Were you actually balling during that scene because you had a sibling relationship and older brother who felt that way? This show is very good at portraying realism, it translates to understanding, but like "love not being enough" in relationships sometimes, it doesn't actually compare to having lived the experience. It just makes it different though, not more (or less) of anything, ofc. I felt that scene way deep in my soul (and my bro is also 10 years older). Love it! 🥰 Also, your facial expressions had me literally dying ok! Rip💀💀💀

Travis Manning

Some people are empaths, others are not. Also I’m confused about balling ? I don’t recall balling during this episode at all ?

Charissa Kay

Maybe emotional empathy and perception are different things, that when combined created whatever was happening with me, which made me think these majorily rhetorical questions, aimed out at the ether. Was 'in my feels' feeling more thoughtful & philosophical, excuse me 😊😊😊🫶🏾. That's what I meant by the hashtag, but I can see why on your page, you wouldn't expect someone to just be randomly rambling indirect personal thoughts (although the very last part is directed). It's me 💁🏾‍♀️, hi 👋🏾, random👀, rambly👄, it* me 😁.


she's definitely a love/hate character i know a lot of people that agree with you too. not a lot of people feel neutrally lol

Cassandra Ryan

derek has very many flaws but one thing i love is how well he understands meredith and cristina's dynamic. and how well he understands cristina in general, tbh

Angelina Sargent

I can totally relate to the Virgin girl with the condom and April. I waited til I was 21 years old before I lost my V because I was waiting til I knew I was with the right person. The guy I was with for 5 years before I finally gave in and I ended up leaving him before we got married and moved to Hawaii. Met my husband within the first week being here and I still never regretted my first time because at that point I knew I was in love and had zero regrets which I was happy about. Also those sex Tupperware parties are seriously some of the funnest parties I have ever been too. Pure romance is a good one to use if anyone is interested in having one! I use to throw one of those parties every couple months with my girlfriends and it was so fun to have a consultant come and show you all the fun toys and lotions and other stuff. You don't have to pay anything to have them come they just show up to entertain and sell you items. If you go to their website you can look up consultants in your area. Lol just saying! Such a fun girls night in idea. I've considered becoming a consultant for years.


“I’m not G.I Jane. I’m attachment Barbie!” 😂😂😂 one of my favorite lines ever. Kim’s delivery of that line is 🤌🏻


Now that April's on the main cast, she's actually getting some proper writing. I think (aside from maybe Avery), they just weren't sure what to do with the recurring mercy west residents in S6 after the merger arc, and the nice thing is, they can chalk character changes up to the shooting. I do wish they could have explored the grief of some of the other characters a little more post-shooting, i.e. April points out Jackson's been waking up screaming, but for the most part aside from what was covered in the 2-part premiere and the ongoing stuff with Lexie (which I think they're wrapping up) and Christina, that's all the grief we'll see on the matter. One interesting thing I'm surprised they didn't mention is Amelia currently resides in Los Angeles. I'll leave determining the significance of that to the reader.


Watching that scene again now that I’m an adult when I heard Alex’s virgin story I was like “WTF”! The way he tells it he was 15yo and she was the school nurse! I’m sorry but that’s literally a crime and they all acted like it was totally fine!! It’s just a show I know, but it really bothered me!


omg yeah i noticed too thats insane how nobody commented on it


I love April! and it was nice to get some comedic relief in this ep while still dealing with what happened last season

Karen McQueeney

I loved Derek in this episode. I love how protective he is of Cristina. And I loved when he finally talked to his sister.

Karen McQueeney

I’m the baby of my family. My brother is 6 years older than me and my sister is 10 years older. Sometimes they hated me, but I know if ever I needed them, they would be there. So I was kinda in my feels also.

Karen McQueeney

Yes! I laughed so much at Bailey when she saw that spider and freaked. Mind you, I am terrified of bugs. Not so much of spiders as long as they don’t come at me first.

Karen McQueeney

Yes! April totally put them in their place! And Meredith’s all “oh April, I’m liking you more and more “ kills me😂😂

Karen McQueeney

By the way, Travis, I for some reason had captions on. It was fine until the part where the spider made his appearance. Because all I could see was “OHOHOHOH”. I kid you not, it covered the entire screen. 😂😂. I had to turn off the captions and rewind because I couldn’t see anything and I was curious about what your reaction was😂😂

Karen McQueeney

I meant to say that the entire screen was covered with “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” 😂😂😂

Charissa Kay

I also have a sister who is 12 years older. I am not the baby, but I am adopted. Amelia's kind of the scapegoat of the family as well which I relate with.

Kayce Daniels

Greys is such a great show it’s truly one of my all time favorite shows

Tiffany Lemke

Derek supremacy episode. Just such a superb man.

Alexis Cook

I gave mine up right before i turned 17 but i had told myself i was giving it to someone i wasn’t getting married to i told my now husband if this relationship isn’t ending in marriage im out bc at 16 i was tired of the baby relationships so we lost it to each other been together 5years married 2years🥰its all about the “goals” you set for yourself i totally feel your comment

Shanice British

Queen Amelia 😍 Loved Derek in this moment

April Dawn

Love the color blue on you bud.

Lucile Byrd

I dont like how Arizona is pushing Yang out of her own apartment!