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Ilsuk Yang

When I first saw this ending, I literally said, "Don't hurt my Mozzie!"

Sherry Sink

I still remember when I first saw this episode. I was pretty much like you, repeatedly muttering, "No! No way! They better not have killed Mozzie! I will be SO pissed!" Plus, this episode aired right before a fall break, so we had to wait from September to JANUARY to find out what happens next. For four months, I just kept agonizing over Mozzie and trying to figure out how they would resolve it. I even wrote a 300-word piece of fan fiction (LOL!) as a writing exercise because I couldn't let it go. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and wanted to write a happy ending, just in case they didn't give us one. I will only say that what I wrote is not what happened (but I feel like I did Mozzie justice, haha). Wasn't this one exciting all around??? Between the Mozzie stuff, the musical code, the cat burglary side bit, Neal swinging across a courtyard and smashing through a window (!), and Neal confronting Fowler... this episode is a doozy. Can't wait to see your reaction to the next episodes!!

Sherry Sink

Random funny side note: I just looked up the original air date of this episode. September 7, 2010. And then I looked up when I posted my little writing exercise about Mozzie. September 8, 2010. That's how obsessed I was! I couldn't get that ending out of my head and had to write something almost immediately. I could not rest until I'd written a way out of it. 😆 🤣