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I’ve never understood why the mountain men decide to use 48 people for 8 bone marrow transplants each (which is enough to kill them) instead of just going to the other ark survivors and bargaining with them. There’s at least 50+ other survivors and they could help them with resources and reunite their people in exchange for bone marrow to survive on the ground. 100+ people at 4 bone marrow transplants would at least all survive and everyone wins and gains an ally instead of an enemy. But I guess they would rather be stupid

Avalon Perry

I think the difference is that with the radiation, they know there's an inside Man, but they don't know where the inside man is from. It could be someone already in the mountain who escaped and was helping. If Clarke and Lexa had let everyone know about the missile, then the mountain would know for sure that the inside man was someone from either the ark or the grounders, which would then cause a lot more problems for them in the long run. I know it's really easy for people to get upset about this kind of thing, especially when their own are getting hurt, but you have to realize that in situations like that, it's pretty standard for the higher-ups to keep it from civilians. For example, if there were a possible terrorist attack somewhere in the US, none of us would have any idea. It's probably happened before, and we just don't know it. Higher-ups will always keep this to themselves and deal with it on their own because it's never helpful to cause a panic or potentially make things worse.