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I love that Aziraphale and Crowley make fun of Muriel 's adorable attempts to appear human, and then Aziraphale goes to Edinburgh and does barely better. Like honey, sweetie, they are here for the first time, you had a few thousand years of practice, and you are still horrible at pretending to be human :D On more serious note I really appreciate deconstruction of 'being poor means more opportunities to be holy'. People who preach it usually do it from a far cushier life positions. Love that you seem to enjoy this season :) Virtual hugs.


I'm totally with you, season 2 is amazing. I loved this episode, mostly because I moved to the US from Scotland 10 years, and I was living in Edinburgh before I moved. I recognized a few of the streets and had so much nostalgia. Oh and although Tennant is Scottish in real life, his accent on this is a little exaggerated and not quite his real one.


I agree! Season 2 is my favorite season of good omens because it focuses so heavily on Aziraphale and crowley☺️ i really liked season 1 but i just wasn’t really invested in the other storylines😅 that’s why episode 3 of the first season was my favorite episode. It had almost half an hour of them through the years and i just adored that. This season is just fantastic as a whole

Simone (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-09 17:28:34 Little note (because it isn't actually ever stated properly in the actual show) - but Muriel's pronouns are they/them exclusively (same with Beelzebub). <3 This is perhaps my least favorite episode of season 2, and it is still an episode I rewatch a lot and love so dearly, so that speaks volume of how fuckin' great this season is. Drunken/poisoned!Crowley is one of my favorite parts, and the singing bit was improvised by Tennant, which is just.. gold. Next episode is so very dear to me personally, and I cannot wait for you to see it.
2023-10-09 12:27:24 Little note: (because it isn't actually ever stated properly in the actual show) - but Muriel's pronouns are they/them exclusively (same with Beelzebub). <3 This is perhaps my least favorite episode of season 2, and it is still an episode I rewatch a lot and love so dearly, so that speaks volume of how fuckin' great this season is. Drunken/poisoned!Crowley is one of my favorite parts, and the singing bit was improvised by Tennant, which is just.. gold. Next episode is so very dear to me personally, and I cannot wait for you to see it.

Little note: (because it isn't actually ever stated properly in the actual show) - but Muriel's pronouns are they/them exclusively (same with Beelzebub). <3 This is perhaps my least favorite episode of season 2, and it is still an episode I rewatch a lot and love so dearly, so that speaks volume of how fuckin' great this season is. Drunken/poisoned!Crowley is one of my favorite parts, and the singing bit was improvised by Tennant, which is just.. gold. Next episode is so very dear to me personally, and I cannot wait for you to see it.