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man this is one of my favorite who finales and was such a treat to watch with you! and this era of the show is definitely VERY complicated with timelines and how everything connects which won't be changing anytime soon, and i will say it does click much more easily and make more sense when watching it back a few times but on the first watch i think you definitely have the right approach of just enjoying the ride! can't WAIT for the next season it's another banger!


River Song: the one person that make a Dalek scream for mercy! Any time I don't understand I just think 'wibbly wobbly timey wimey' and I'm good. The line about us all being stories in the end is *chef's kiss*. This season and the next are my favorite seasons, even though Tennant is my favorite Doctor. I cannot WAIT for you to see what happens!! Unrelated side note, is there any chance of you ever watching Outlander? I'd sponsor it but I can't afford it lol. Do you watch shows that aren't sponsored?

Abigail Friedman

I really loved this finale. Rory continues to be the idealest of ideal men; I heart him to pieces.


This story is particularly confusing, but you are right, if you just go with it then it's a fun watch.

Amy Cope

I love this finale so much. It absolutely is chaotic, I was so confused the first time, probably the first couple of times I saw it. Actually re-watching it now with you is probably the first time I actually followed every single thread in the story in real time.

Siobhan Linehan

Such a BRILLIANT season finale. My second favourite of the whole show. It is confusing but I like that, I notice new things each time I rewatch it. Like when The Doctor flew the Pandorica into the exploding TARDIS to reboot the universe, everything reversed back to Amy and Rory's wedding night. To before they met up with The Doctor again as adults. So Rory had never died in the Silurian world, had never been consumed by the crack in the wall and had never come back as a plastic Nestene duplicate. But all of Amy and Rory's adventures with The Doctor had still happened, just in another timeline basically. So The Doctor told Amy the story of the Raggedy Doctor and made sure she'd always believe that he was real so that he could be brought back. And as soon as The Doctor appeared in the new timeline Amy and Rory remembered everything that had happened in the other timeline, but they were still in the new one. So that means that Rory is human, he's not plastic anymore. Also the moment when The Doctor holds Amy's hands and talks to her while she has her eyes closed is in the Weeping Angel episodes from earlier in the season. Most people don't catch that. But in the Weeping Angel episode The Doctor has his jacket taken by the angels but then it's back again when he says that speech to Amy, at the time everyone thought it was an editing error but then in this episode we find out that it was actually The Doctor from the future, from this episode, who was talking to Amy back in that episode. Genius!! And I'm so glad that you love this Doctor, he's my absolute favourite. So funny and dorky. And he's hot lol. I look forward to the Christmas special. 😊

Annie Willow

It’s always safe to just assume it all because of wibbly wobbly timey wimey.

Laura Shepherd

I got married maybe a couple of years after this episode aired and my mum sewed a tiny TARDIS keyring into the inside of my wedding bouquet where it couldn't be seen from the outside to be my something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue 😊 You definitely enjoy Doctor Who more if you can suspend your disbelief and just go along for the ride! Btw, not sure if it's been mentioned, but those plastic people with the hand that falls in half and shoots are villains from classic Doctor Who so it was super cool seeing them come back in this two parter for hardcore fans! I think they were the same aliens as the plastic mannequins in the very first episode of the new series too when Rose is introduced. It's been a long time since I watched that though so the details are fuzzy 😅

Amber Goodwin

Yeah… I always tell people new to DW that they should just go along with the ride for the first watch and then when they rewatch they can start piecing things together because a lot of stuff slowly starts to make more sense. I’ve re-watched the Matt Smith era so many times and even re-watching it with you, I’m still catching things I missed all the other times. 😂