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Thanks Ilsuk!

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Ilsuk Yang

OMG!!! I have so much to say about this movie 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭First off, we had to wait a year for this movie after Infinity War came out and, with that cliffhanger at the end of Infinity War, it was a long wait 🤣🤣🤣Also, the trailers for this movie barely showed what was going to happen in this movie (unlike most movie trailers in the past decade + 🤣🤣🤣). It's definitely a long movie, so, the first time I saw it in theaters, I made sure I didn't drink anything during the movie (definitely a movie you need to go to the bathroom before watching 🤣🤣🤣). So, at the time, no one knew that there wasn't an end credits scene (at the very end of the credits, you can hear Tony using a hammer to bang on an Iron Man suit, but that's it) so a lot of people, myself included, stayed to watch the nonexistent end credits scene, which made me a little bit angry, but I got over it quickly 🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, Natasha and Tony giving up their lives always gets me 😭😭😭Natasha sacrificing herself is definitely more powerful because she sacrificed herself for the HOPE of victory! Tony's is more powerful in the moment because of the imminent threat, but Natasha's just gets me more now because she didn't know they would be successful. Now, back to Tony's sacrifice. It makes complete sense that Tony died from using the stones as he is just a human (I mean, look what it did to Bruce). Now, it did take a while for him to die because his Iron Man suit took the brunt of the damage from the stones, but Tony's still a normal human (well, in a physical sense), so the suit can only do so much. I speculate that, if Tony was a low-level superhuman like Cap, he might have survived, but, unfortunately, he's not 😞😞😞Also, there's a deleted scene of Tony's death where everyone is looking appropriately somber, then the camera pans to Gamora who looks like "why is everyone so sad" and just leaves 🤣🤣🤣 Tony's funeral scene was so emotional (as was his death scene), but a lot of people didn't like that Nat didn't get her own funeral scene. The official reasoning for her not getting her own funeral scene is that she had her own movie coming out after Endgame. Also, that kid (that isn't a kid anymore 🤣🤣🤣) at Tony's funeral was the boy who helped Tony in Iron Man 3, played by the same person btw. Love the ending they gave Steve! He's given up so much, that it was nice to see him do something for himself! Plus, finally getting that dance with his dream girl (Peggy is played by the same actress as the other MCU movies), my ❤️❤️❤️ "Old Steve's" last moments with Sam are great in my opinion! A lot of people have issues with Steve passing the mantle of "Captain America" to Sam and not Bucky. The way I see it, if Bucky's ok with it (which he clearly is in that scene), I'm good with it 👍 The beginning of this movie had me so shook (much like it was for you in this reaction 🤣🤣🤣)! I mean, seeing those words "Five Years Later" on the screen after seeing Thanos beheaded was like 😮😮😮🤯🤯🤯. Fat Thor, which is a body suit (ironically, the time suits seen later are primarily CGI 🤣🤣🤣) had me rolling the first time I saw this 🤣🤣🤣The way they opened the movie with Clint and his family, just always gets me 😭😭😭 So, with Captain Marvel's fight with Thanos, couple interesting things to note here. Initially, Thanos has the upper hand, and, even though Carol gets a few hits in, these are obviously a minor inconvenience to him. However, as Carol grabs the gauntlet, she actually absorbs power from the Infinity Stones, giving her the upper hand momentarily, at least until Thanos takes out the power stone and uses it to take her out of the battle. I don't like the scene where all the female heroes get together and it's because it didn't feel like it happened organically. It's still badass, just feels incredibly forced. I love the scene with Thor and Frigga (his mom)! This was exactly what he needed. Finding out that he's still worthy when calling Mjolnir to him helped too 😎 There's so much more I can say, but I think I'll stop there 😅🤣🤣🤣Endgame is definitely one of my favorite MCU movies (my absolute favorite seems to change everyday between Infinity War, Endgame, Winter Soldier, Civil War, and Guardians 1 🤣🤣🤣). I'll end by saying that Endgame isn't actually the end of Phase 3. There is one more movie in Phase 3 (Spider-Man: Far From Home; not sure if anyone has requested this yet). Also, I'm sorry you lost power during the first part of your reaction! In the end you did finish and I'm glad you enjoyed this long movie 😁

John buchanan

The only thing you missed in this review of his review is that Steve was always Peggy’s husband. Back when old Peggy sees Steve in the hospital she freaks out because he looked so young. Those kids in the pictures were his. He hid away until after these events


Well I'm very glad you enjoyed this incredible movie, I upped to All 3 just for this! There's a **ton** of easter eggs in this calling back to the various sub-franchises that you either missed or simply didn't comment on. One of the more memorable ones for me is Sam saying "on your left" announcing the arrival of everyone for the final battle, a callback to Captain America 2 (winter soldier), where Cap kept lapping Sam saying "on your left". There's tons more subtle things like that calling back to most of the franchises. A few questions you had: * How did they do fat Thor? Practically, he's wearing a fatsuit. * [During the final Avengers assemble] Are they all actually there? BTS footage implies yes, they did in fact have most of the core MCU cast on set for that. Some folks would have been CGI like giant Ant-Man * [Old Cap] Is that Chris Evans with makeup? No, different actor. A few other tidbits: * For Tony's funeral scene, a) Everyone was in fact there, a very expensive scene to film. It turned out great though. b) As part of keeping the plot secret, the talent was told they were filming a wedding (hence the formal dress). Needless to say, they were surprised to learn it was actually Tony's funeral * At the end, while there's no post-credits scene, the music fades out, and you can hear hammering metal on an anvil, calling back to the original Iron Man, the first film in the MCU.


I'm glad they didn't add a post credit scene and just had the hammer sound from Iron Man but I always watch the credits because I absolutely love the OG 6 signatures and showing a few clips from their time and I love they saved Chris and RDJ for the final two! They were the faces of the MCU! But Chris was in make-up for the final scene. There's BTS footage of him in full on make up and just having fun there and it's clearly him. I think they had him and someone else for the far away shots.