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I always loved River. After that opening though? Breaking out of prison, stealing from royals, casually putting explosives in drinks, vandalizing planets and impersonating Cleopatra? I LOVED River xd Supporting my girl's rights and wrongs here :D This is a start of one of my favorite finales, and so worth the rewatch. When Doctor describes the 'fearsome' creature that is imprisoned in Pandorica it takes a new meaning when we know who the Pandorica is intended for. Vincent's painting is just amazing art and there is so much merch with it. I adore it. Ah season 5 of Doctor Who, you are flying by. Love the season and love your reactions Travis :)

Siobhan Linehan

It's always so fun watching this finale with someone who's never seen it before. The twists and turns are brilliant. You never see that ending coming. I remember the first time I watched it and just like you I was thinking for most of it "so Rory's back and they're not even going to explain it properly? That's a bit crap." But then he turns into an Auton and kills Amy and it's such a shock. As is the Pandorica actually being made for The Doctor. I also love The Doctor's speeches in this finale, especially his speech in this part when he's yelling at all the aliens who are flying around and distracting him lol. I can't wait to see your reaction to part two, there's one moment in particular that I can't wait to see. 😊


one of my favorite lines of this show is the eluding to "a vortex manipulator fresh off the wrist of a handsome time agent" Which to me eludes to Captain Jack Harkness but could be another time agent... since the time this is ocurring is 5145 all we know about Jack from this point is that he's from the 51st century so we don't know exactly how hold he is by this time and exactly when he became a time agent....

Anon Anon

I cant find 5x13, is it missing?


I can't find it either. I had this happen before and messaged Travis and he suggested I search by a word in the title and so I have done that this time as well and it's not working, 5x13 'The Big Bang'. And when I search chronologically on the collection page for DW, it goes from 5x12 to 5x14 as well - nothing in between