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Calls them lizard people and salamanders then get offended when they call us apes 🤣🤣🤣 There's actually a real life scientific theory called the Silurian Hypothesis based on these characters (who are from classic who btw). The theory is that there may have been an intelligent civilization which lived on earth and were wiped out prior to humans. Oh and white tea or coffee just means with milk. If you prefer no milk then you take black tea or coffee. There's nothing shady or racist in it, it's just how we describe hot beverages with or without milk lol.

Siobhan Linehan

I really do enjoy this story, it's creepy but good fun. The makeup on the Silurians is SO good but I agree that it looks itchy lol. I know you're not sure, but I really like Nasreen. She's so enthusiastic about everything and she's just a truly good human being. There aren't many side characters on this show that are as sweet as her. I'm so glad to see you loving the Doctor more and more as each episode goes by. He really is the best. And I also love his silly hair lol. And I think they do a great job of setting up the story in this episode, usually part one of two parters feel a bit slow until the end but this one is exciting from the start. Not much more I can say for now, but the next episode is a big one. I look forward to it. 😊 (And I hope you come up with a funny insult for the Siluarians. 🤣)