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Thanks Heidi for sponsoring the season!


Olivia Grace Miller

im so happy you finally got to s3 its the best one in my opinion especially the first part of the season cant wait for you to get deeper into it because there is so much to unravel from this season alone


Yay! I’m so excited 😁 Thanks Heidi ❤️

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

You are very welcome, Miguelito! I'm happy to have been able to sponsor all of season three!! :) Sincerely, Heidi


Pan is one of the better overall Villans in this show period. He's such an interesting character and I love how they integrate him into the overall storyline! You never know what he's thinking he's always 20 steps ahead. if we are to compare him with Rumplestilskin aka the dark on than the dark one is more like 10 steps ahead pan is above him in that regard!

Bella Love

I’m back from my hiatus haha, great to be back watching your reactions, Travis!! 😊


One of my favorite scenes in the entire show is Rumple revealing his Neverland outfit and going off on Emma, man that was so satisfying! I love her but she was annoying me so much with the way she was blaming her parents yet again. And he was right, up until then Emma has always had to be shown magic, she's never gone by faith, she needed to hear that. And I love how he just disappears, it was awesome, lol.