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Laura Shepherd

I was so bummed that Isaac did that, I really liked him as a character and I think he and Maeve have great chemistry and banter but this was a really shitty move, he crossed a line.

Amy Cope

I apologise in advance this will probably be long. I am such a big fan of the character of Isaac and I have a lot of thoughts on the subject. Firstly, I want Otis and Maeve together and I don't like what Isaac did as far as it relates to that plot..... however..... I love love love that the show cast an actor with a disability... to play a character with a disability.... where the plot line of his story doesn't revolve around him having a disability... and he's presented as a complex flawed fully thought out character. Usually when there are characters with disabilities written into shows they are presented as saints, touted as an inspiration or simply for leaving the house, or they're a comic book style villain who's angry at the world for what's happened to them and wants to watch it burn. It's so rare to see the disabled character as a regular teenage very human antagonist who's not a terrible person but makes some poor choices. Then on top of that, presenting him as a viable potential love interest for Maeve without her character needing to be his carer first, or creating some big crazy situation to force them together. He's just a neighbour and they have a vibe. It's so refreshingly normal and we never see it. I wish it was more common. I had hoped heartstopper would include some representation for people with disabilities in season 2, maybe S3 will change that. It's one area that is consistently forgotten in the discussions around diversity. Heartbreak Highs the only other show I can think of recently who's done it really well with Quinns character. Theres 1 scene with Isaac in particular next season that is handled to absolute perfection, I won't give any spoilery details about it ofcourse, I'll wait until you see it and then write another thesis 😄


Lemonade in the UK is basically sprite without the lime. "ade" means fizzy/soda, so lemonade is fizzy lemon, or lemon soda.