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Reid is so cute in this episode. His little run haha. The scenes with Elle and her dad were a little weird to me but her getting closure was good.


Any episode that has even a slight main focus on ried is on my list as some of my favorite episodes of criminal minds! He’s just such a lovable character!

Angelina Sargent

I cannot believe how bad the writing is on this show. I'm literally super bummed that I can't get into it. There's just no connection to any of these characters and the acting doesn't really connect with the storyline. I think forced is the best way to put it. I keep on trying to like it because I need a new show to watch but like what is happening??? The end of the last episode was so abrupt and like really tried for a shock factor that didn't hit. AND The girl who was shots storyline, I don't even remember her name and I've seen the entire first season with Travis and I am sitting here hoping she dies so these weird father/peanut scenes end. And then when Reed miraculously shouts the girls probably still in the burning house I'm just like thinking. Duh??? Why wouldn't they have searched it to begin with? The only thing that surprises me in these last 2 episodes is that the "book" being referred too wasn't sue sylvesters journal they kept mentioning. Hahaha. I really thought they were hinting at the fact that he was probably remembering crazy ramblings of his moms brain. I keep watching because Travis keeps saying it only gets better from what people tell him, and I'm just waiting for that to start happening. But now I'm a little thrown off by this being people's favorite episode. Uhhh I really am trying to like this show. At least it's something new for me to watch but I'm so torn on if I should keep trying or not. I think I've been spoiled by some really incredible criminal justice tv series. Sorry for the rant I'm just so thrown off by these characters. Reed may end up growing on me. And that one guy is seriously the seixest man I've ever seen but I seriously don't remember his name either. Oh wel... Onto the next one! 😀


you're just supposed to vibe tbh. I know the acting is bad generally but i mean, it's clearly not intended for extreme thought. Just vibe. You'll like it then. Fair enough if you can't turn your brain off when watching a show but just try.