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Liv Heskett

Lol Uta Hagen is a German actress turned acting coach. She’s like infamous in the musical theatre educational world. Everyone studies her in college if you major in theatre. She’s crazy 😂

Ilsuk Yang

Ah yes, one of my least favorite tropes being used in this episode (the "misunderstanding" or "revealing of a secret," which is also a misunderstanding lol, before the declaration of love) and it's used twice! But yeah, that's pretty much my only problem with this episode. You right about Gina being a way better singer than Vanessa Hudgens! Nothing against Vanessa, who has a nice voice, just outclassed against a singer/performer like Gina. Emmy is still terrifying, as usual, but still adorable as well (so paradoxical, and yet fitting 🤣🤣🤣). Yeah, Gina's mom is something else. I love that Ricky's parents are giving it another go! Also love that Ricky told Miss Jenn that he loves her ❤️The final finale is up next!

Siobhan Linehan

Ricky's parents aren't back together, they're just friends again. The showrunner said they needed to become friends again and forgive each other before Mike could properly move on from it all, which he hadn't done yet and that's one reason why Miss Jenn broke up with him. So yeah, they're not back together.


“What are you doing here without Dorinda?!” Lol. Prepare to cry in the next one. My husband who has never even seen a single scene of the show cried from the snippets he saw with me! It’s so gooood.