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Heather Morris was 8 months pregnant with her son here. Still danced flawlessly. Also, I love that it was Santana who brought Brittany back from her meltdown. Just proof that Santana knows Brittany better than anyone. 😭 My Brittana heart.

Tiffany Tews

Yeah I feel like this was the weakest Regionals performance (maybe even weakest competition performance barring this seasons sectionals) cause the songs just.... were not it

Annie Willow

She was only 5 months along but yes, her dancing was still top notch. I also love that it was Santana that brought her out of her spiral as she was the only one who could. I also love that they don’t say goodbye to each other. Also both Brittany and Santana committing arson is just perfection.

Annie Willow

At first it may seem off the wall the Brittany is a math genius but when you look back over the years it makes complete sense. She is the most emotionally intelligent in the entire show, she is very observant - she notices everything (even the forth wall), she has no filter - she says what she means always, she has special interests (cats, mythical creatures), she is a very literal thinker, she doesn’t like violence but acts out when she is uncomfortable and anxious about a new situation, she hates math (she created Happyville, the place where math doesn’t exist) because she didn’t understand the way the teachers taught it because her brain processes in a completely different way. I know the writers didn’t intend to write her as autistic with ADHD but she displays so many traits. And the most important piece of evidence of Brittany being a genius, Santana said so, many times, and she is always right.


The Waffletoots is a play on Yale’s real all male a cappella group The Wiffenpoofs. The Warblers were actually based on The Wiffenpoofs as well. The Hoosier Daddies is a play on words for Who’s Your Daddy but also Hoosier is the nickname for a person from Indiana. If you haven’t noticed by now the writers like to make up really inappropriate and silly names for the glee clubs. New Directions = nude erections. I think a lot of the reason the ending was underwhelming was because of Cory being in rehab. They had to essentially rewrite the last 3 episodes. We know that Cory left for rehab in the middle of filming Lights Out because there are stills of him from the episode that you can see on IMDb. They had to have had the last two episodes written but clearly they were written with Cory/Finn in mind. I am guessing the wedding and competition were already planned for these last few episodes. I don’t know if they were always meant as the finale. I am also guessing that Brittany was getting written off regardless as well because Heather was several months pregnant by this point. I am curious if the engagement story was always supposed to go to Blaine. I agree it felt rushed but also the timeline of season 4 is kind of a mess. I would say it was supposed to be Finn’s storyline but that also does not make all that much sense. It would have been equally rushed and also would they have done a second engagement for Rachel and Finn? It is so much easier to figure out what was changed in Light’s Out. They had more time to rewrite scripts for the last two episodes but I would think like Light’s Out they would have kept as much as possible since they were on a tight schedule for filming and that does not even touch on having to learn choreography and recording all the songs. So yeah I don’t know if anyone has tried to figure out if the episodes were just totally rewritten or what was kept and what was changed.

Siobhan Linehan

I've been talking to Travis and if we want him to watch Glee season 5 soon then someone needs to sponsor it. He's got a busy schedule and we'd only get 2 episodes a month, if that, if no one sponsors it. I'm willing to pay the $500 for it but if anyone could reach out to help spread the cost that would be great. Split between two people is $250 each and split between three is $166 and that gets lower the more people we have. So if you'd be willing to help me sponsor the next season reply to me here. 😊

Travis Manning

I’d be watching it eventually but definitely slower and it would have to win polls and such (like it usually does) so sponsoring would def get it out faster !

Jade Coulthurst

Yeah sure. Just let me know what is needed as the sponsoring is a first for me.


You’re lucky you can start season 5 whenever you want haha. We had to wait for months! Wings is the best song in this regionals imo, followed by Hall Of Fame and Clarity. Didn’t really care for the rest of the songs but Blaine and Marley sounded good together in the original song. I like that Will and Emma ended up getting married at the end of the episode and that the wedding was so simple. However the one thing I CAN’T STAND (like, I get unreasonably annoyed about it considering it’s a minor detail and it’s the only thing I remembered from this episode) is the half assed Bridal Chorus. Maybe the reason for it is them having to rewrite the episodes last minute. (Maybe the wedding wasn’t originally supposed to happen that way). It could’ve sounded so pretty if someone spent 10 minutes on making a small arrangement for it. It just sounds so flat and underwhelming! It kind of sounded like none of the cast knew it, but I feel like everyone knows that melody?

leslie martin

yasss little mix!! i'm such a big fan of them and glee and remember when i saw that they covered wings on the show i was so happy!! still to this day i think it's so cool!!

Capri Zonica

Not only Brittany is gone but a couple of characters more won't be back with zero explanation as to why. At least Brit got a proper send off. It's not like Glee ever cared about continuity.

Conor Humphries

I'm pretty sure that at the end of Season 3 they originally planned on making a spin-off show based on the characters in New York that would take place simultaneously with Glee, kind of like how the CW superhero shows did, but the idea was scrapped so what I think they did is take the first half of each shows next season and mash it into one season for Glee, which would explain why we end at Regionals and without knowing the outcome of Rachel's Callback.