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Radha Karia

OMG! I just ordered dinner and now this upload!

Tina Stewart

You said everything I was thinking

Kadence Collins

I cannot explain to you how excited I get when you post Grey's- You're the best <3

Diggin 4 History

you can get chicken pox at any age I was 21 I got them from my baby


I hate how Meredith tries to accuse Derek of the EXACT same thing she is doing. Like she literally putting her own interest ahead of patients & Richard himself & got the nerve to feel how she feel. & i get why mark is mad… to him it seems like she broke up with him just to go jump in another guys bed. Rather than him being dumped, his daughter going through stuff & him just needing a shoulder to cry on

Denisse Brito

I agree with the Mark thing. He got dumped for trying to do the right thing, but Lexie was also heart broken when she made the wrong move. That’s youth tho, I made the wrong choices all the time at that age lol

Radha Karia

So many thoughts about this ep! Totally relate to the singer and Christina! I loved how they did the Izzie storyline. Usually when an actor leaves a show, they act like they the character never existed. Of course they do it for the audience to get used to but it feels unreal. But with Izzie it was done like it would be irl. Friends would keep calling you, convince you to stay back and mention you even after you leave.


I don't understand why Mark is mad. Lexie was single so she slept with someone else. Not like she cheated on him and he was busy getting it on with Addison. Meredith 'calling post-it' was kinda messed up though, putting peoples lives in danger so she could get surgeries.


I think Mark is just so not used to being truly emotionally invested in a relationship, so when he feels the hurt of hearing about Lexie sleeping with someone else he just acts on how bad he feels. Like "this thing she has done makes me feel this bad, it has to be completely wrong of her". Especially after Lexie's reaction was more of a relief one and not a hurt one.

Suzanne Hunt

I am not usually on Alex's side, but Izzie did him dirty! I don't blame him for rejecting her after Izzie abandon Alex! I hated the opera singer! Everybody's perspective on love or surgery was interesting! I agree with Dominik! Meredith is a hypocrite! She accuses Derek of doing the same thing she is doing ! Derek at least has the excuse of thinking about protecting patients as well as a promotion!

Chloe S

I agree. I think he always thought of himself as the type to sleep around, that's his way of processing hurt. I think he thought she was better than him. Not right to hold her to double standards but I guess for him, he was broken up with and he still cared about her, not his choice. For her to make the decision to break up, and then immediately jump into bed with someone else, it seems unfeeling. But yeah interesting dynamics between them, love #Slexie 😊


sooooo glad alex stood up for himself!! he is and always will be my favorite character in this show i just love him and his storylines so much.. i relate to him in some aspects too so seeing him finally realize he can do better and actually WANTS to do better is just so great to see!! also i can see marks side a little but the way he pushes the blame onto lexie is just so wrong and uncalled for! also callie and arizona are just perfect together im so glad callie finally found her perfect matchhh

mari johnston

Rewatching is great, but it’s too much how aggressive Owen kisses Christina 😂

Cassandra Ryan

i love alex karev. only man i would ever let impregnate me and i stand by that!


Definitely lots of hypocrisy in this episode.

Charissa Kay

I think they should have pushed Meredith wanting to get back in the OR and feeling like she lost time, because the idea of her risking lives for Richard of all people "just to get surgeries" seems very minimizing of her character and not as layered of a plot line. I also don't think either the writers or Patrick sold the whole "Derek's doing it for Richard, no wait, himself" thing very well. If the audience knew clearly that he was putting on a front for everyone else, ok. But I feel like they played it like writers were trying to fool us, and I don't vibe with that kind of storytelling as well. It feels too handholdy and patronizing. Anyway, just my very random nitpicky thoughts on this EP. And yes Callie & Mark are in my top 5 all-time OTPs, cuz all that ish doesn't have to be romantic & I'm poly af 😂.


I actually kind of see where Mark was coming from. He was vulnerable and open with Lexi about his life and what he wanted after finding out he had a pregnant daughter, and Lexi broke up with him for it. Which is her right. However, if Mark sleeps with Addison to numb the pain of the break up and relieve stress from everything going on with his daughter and her baby, then Lexi has no right to judge him. BUT for Lexi to break up with Mark while still being in love with him and just carelessly sleep with someone else because she feels like she should be doing reckless things and be young... that is just straight up disrespectful to Mark and their whole relationship. If you love someone, you love them. Sure, maybe she got scared when a lot of serious things happened but he never asked her to be his kid's mom or their baby's grandmother. He wanted her to be there for HIM while HE was a father and a grandfather. I don't know, it's a whole mess and I just think he had more of a right to sleep with someone else than she did.

Alicia Brown

Where are episodes 13 through 21?!


If you go to the collection those episodes are missing but if you go to tag all the episodes are there!

Shanice British

Now I remember why I can’t stand Derek. Meredith is the only reason I care for MerDer 😩


i love Mark but i found it hypocritical too. obviously he was hurting so he sought comfort in Addison but Lexie was hurting and sought comfort in Alex. i don’t see how it’s different just because Lexie broke up with him when in reality his actions caused the breakup. as for Derek, i think he went about it wrong. i think he should have offered Richard the chance to come clean to the board and take a leave of absence to get help, rather than pouring alcohol in a glass for an alcoholic at their place of work and leaving it for him, not knowing if after Richard had taken the drink he was sure he would, if Richard would then go into surgery. he not only aided in helping Richard stay off the wagon but he knowingly risked patient care. it’s great that Richard even inebriated had the good sense to go to sleep rather than entering that OR. as for Alex i really hot where he was coming from but i loved him and Izzie so much and really hoped this would be the start of them work it out, not her leaving town yet again.