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Laura Shepherd

Can't wait to watch this! This two parter is one of my all time favourites 🤩


Even although they are less powerful, the "hills have eyes" angels are so much creepier! Great way to reintroduce them in a slightly different way.

Siobhan Linehan

Such a great two parter, one of my favourites. I always love when the Weeping Angels show up. They're creepy but so interesting. River, as most people here know, I'm not a fan of. But her story is done well. So I'm glad you've got to this point in the show. And I just love everything about this Doctor. He's really quirky and funny. Even more so than the last one. Matt's acting is SO good and you really believe that his Doctor is hundreds of years old even though he has a child like quality about him. He's brilliant. 👌 I look forward to part two, it's really fun. 😊

Tiffany Tews

"I have no intention of going back to prison" Mama I'm in love with a criminaallll

Cassandra Ryan

river is my absolute fav. ever since i saw you watching the show i couldn't wait for you to get here.


So much fun seeing River again! 😁

Sean Silence

I love River, but man I wish we got some more of her and David Tennant lol

Travis Manning

They’re there ….. might not be in order in the collection - search a keyword from the title if you can’t find it.