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Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, this show does a really good job balancing light-hearted/comedic moments with heavier, more emotionally charged scenes dealing with real issues. I find that the sitcoms that do the best have that balance. There's plenty of sitcoms I enjoy watching, but the ones that have staying power with me are like this show, although there are differences of course. Just one more episode in s1


Don't worry, Victor fooled us all. The show's strength truly is how well balanced it is; you can be laughing your heart out one moment - and then the next it is being ripped from your chest. But it is REAL, it deals with real issues that needs to be in the spotlight. Gosh, it holds such a special place in my heart and next episode is... just one of the best.


This show really knows how to hit you where it hurts in the moment you least expect it - just like in real life. Pen absolutely made the right call and I‘m glad Lydia agreed. The kids safety is too important.


That last scene is so heavy! Poor Penelope! And I'm so glad Lydia came out and told him to leave too. Yes, she'd been pushing for them to get back together all episode, but that was when she thought he was sober and working on himself. The second she realises he's not, and that he could be a danger to her daughter or grandkids, she doesn't want him there anymore. But him waking the kids up to tell them bye because he was gonna kill himself?! Yeah, no wonder Penelope ended things. Addiction and PTSD are BIG things, and they're horrible and I understand all that, but that doesn't mean the people who love you should allow themselves to be hurt trying to help you when you're not even helping yourself. Ya know, in a way, I wouldn't be surprised if Victor's addiction issues are a part of why Penelope is so close to Schneider. He's an Addict who is sober and there's probably a part of her that latches onto that because of everything Victor put her through due to his own addiction. I know he corrected it later, but Victor getting Alex a Playstation and Elena a princess doll told me everything I needed to know about him... I mean, come on! Yes, Elena made it clear they struggle to talk, but at SOME point, Elena must've said something that'd give away the fact that she would not want a doll. Or Alex would've! There is no way he never complained about Elena to his Dad and let slip these things... He clearly just had no clue about her personality. And tbh, even if I liked dolls, I would be PISSED if someone got my brother a whole gaming console and then got me a doll... Those are not equal presents AT ALL... Also, he definitely gave hints of not being a great guy... Him not warning Penelope he was coming early, his immediate reaction to finding out she was seeing someone. Then the way he gave her the divorce papers right before her date, then kissed her and then told her to enjoy her date, that was all very manipulative. It's really sad for the kids though. They both clearly want their Dad. Elena wants to be able to get closer to him and come out to him. Alex just wants to have him around. Like, they have Penelope who is an AMAZING Mum. They have Lydia who adores them. And they have Schneider who clearly loves them. But they want their Dad. It's just sad... :(