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Death’s intro scene is one of my favorites of the show (1st place goes to Cas 💙).


Ahh the iconic intro to Death ❤️


Another tense episode!! SPN S5 really knew how to use all the characters well!!! Death's intro is iconic 💀

Alysia Hinchee

Death’s introduction is still my favorite thing to come out of season 5. It’s only going to get crazier. Buckle up because the next episode is amazing

Laura T

My favourite depiction of Death in any show or movie! His introduction gives me goosebumps everytime.


The actor who plays death-Julian Richardson- is SO good!! And that song. Perfect choice. He & Dean share an affinity for eating 🍕😂. Season finale is a banger and Season 6 carries on spectacularly!


DEATH! Easily the best intro ever! Jen Titus - O' Death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWabGQBnzKo

Bluebell_uk 2012

The photo of Crowley and Bobby kissing is actually on Mark Sheppard's (Crowley) own phone. He still has the photo and shows it at cons .