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Radha Karia

Just rescued my Monday owth this upload!

Portia Crain

Yes!! You make Monday morning better with greys and of course you!!!

Jana Fuller

You always have the best timing I'm having the worst day and it's only 9am you always make me feel better ❤️


i forgot how fucking good this episode is omfggg.. mark and lexie's breakup is such a difficult situation because you can clearly understand both of their sides :( also i completely stand with alex's decision choosing to move on from izzie, i can also kind of understand mer's pov on the situation but shes probably going about it the wrong way idk but alex deserves somebody better!! the teddy, owen and cristina love triangle is just soooooo messy,, i love how much youre living for the drama lmaooo your face when cristina told teddy to take him was priceless..


I’m pretty sure their is a crossover ep between a private p ep and greys 6x12 that explains smth mark says in the next ep


Great reaction Next ep is so funny lol


Definitely feel like Mark/Lexi are a prime example of right person/wrong time.


1000000000% thats what makes it all the more heartbreaking 💔


Asking the important questions- where’s Jackson!? 😂

Charissa Kay

I was living for your reaction to the final scene. You never disappoint. 😂🙃😅


that ending still has me gagged lmaoo no hesitation


I've been waiting for your reaction to the "I want Owen" "Take him!" scene since Dr. Altman first appeared. And you didn't disappoint! Loved it!

Letitia Hunt

Im so confused by running out of hot water. Im Aussie and idk if our systems just run different but unless your water runs on gas it can’t run out 😂 and if it did you would just change it over it’s not a daily thing

Kadence Collins

Derek finding out that Richard is drinking again was wild- but I like the fact that Meredith finally saw it as a problem and told somebody. I knew Cristina was the most badass surgeon when she said "Take him!" With no hesitation at all- that girl was ready to give him up so fast for a better chance to learn lmao.

Arriona Clark

I was wondering if u was gone notice😂 but yes that’s boyd from teen wolf😂

Milem Soto Ochoa

I looked for my headphones, pressed play and paused it, checked the volume, pressed play and paused it, change the web browser and again ... then "oh you guys can't hear" hahaahah... loved this reaction btw!

Cassandra Ryan

i do love mark/lexie but alex/lexie had such good chemistry it's hard not to like it for the time being lol. also the teddy/owen/cristina thing could've been avoided if they just all dated each other sigh

Angelina Sargent

Haha I know on Maui my hot water tank runs out after like 30 or 40 minutes... I don't know many hot water tanks that run on propane.

Angelina Sargent

I totally get Cristina's struggle between love and her passion. I think her decision at the end makes total sense considering she was just saying she was breathing for the first time ever but you can't really trade your bf to someone else for services... so in hindsight it doesn't really make sense unless Owen's on board. Hahaha

Letitia Hunt

That’s crazy! I have like hour long showers if it’s an everything shower. But if I really wanted to I could run hot water 24/7


as someone who is an owen hater that ending scene is one of my favorites lmao the no hesitation “take him!” was priceless


Little late to this (pros and cons of vacation lol); "A recap?": Yeah, this is the mid-season premiere. Had you been watching this as it aired, your last greys fix would have been months ago. Jackson't: Yeah, the Mercy West residents are all "recurring" cast this season, expect them to miss some episodes. As usual with greys, some suspension of belief is required, in this case Derek unilaterally deciding to end the player's career. It's portrayed as a bit a feel-good moment, but I can't watch that without thinking "what if that's not what he wants?" But whatever, no one watches greys for realism anyways. Also worth noting, in addition to being the midseason premiere, this is also part one of a 2-part crossover with PP. I think the next episode (which you've already posted at time of writing) implies that.

Catelyn Dela Cruz

Kinda late but I just wanna say “Fine. Done. Take him” is one of the best one-liners in Shondaland history. So satisfying.


“Fine, done, take him” is one of my favorite lines of the whole show!