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Riley Stone

I can't tell you how many times I've been told to stick to answering the phone. As an emergency communications professional that's a huge insult. The first time I saw this I turned all shades of red with rage.

Stevie Burgess

I liked this episode but I also kind of found it disturbing does that make any sense?

Ilsuk Yang

Firefly reunion (Tommy and the detective that eventually listened to Grace)! But, yeah...this is a heavy episode. Black market organ harvesting is some serious stuff! And to take people's organs from them without consent/payment...Hell to the no! I love Grace, but that was foolish going in by herself! Luckily, she's got slick hands and an even slicker mind! Ever since I first watched LS, I've been saying that Carlos should be a detective and hearing a character in the show say that (a detective herself) is nice to see. I gotta say though, how despicable can you be to be involved in an operation like this? Made my blood boil! 🤬 Sad stuff is always happening to the Strand family, too 😭